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Author Topic: UNID 6955 USB 0348 UTC Oct 29 2016  (Read 2971 times)

Offline kilowatt

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UNID 6955 USB 0348 UTC Oct 29 2016
« on: October 29, 2016, 1538 UTC »
Very strong into NW WA.  SDR catch with no ID.

0348Z Hillbillies in a Haunted House
0353Z Time Warp (Rocky Horror)
0357Z The Long Black Veil - Bill Monroe
0359Z off

There was a much weaker signal underneath that would float up out of the noise once this station was off.
san juan islands in nw wa.  antennas: gap-40 monobander, carolina windom-80 at 60 feet, 30m dipole, pixel magnetic loop, active antenna. various receivers sdr/conventional.


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