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Author Topic: UNID Spanish Language 6994 kHz USB 2130 UTC 25 Jan 2018  (Read 540 times)

Offline R4002

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UNID Spanish Language 6994 kHz USB 2130 UTC 25 Jan 2018
« on: January 25, 2018, 2134 UTC »
UNID Spanish speakers SS language Mexican 6994 LSB

Frequency: 6994 kHz 6.994 MHz
Mode: LSB
Language: Spanish

Of the several active freebander / peskie / pescadore nets on the band this afternoon, this one is the most active and with the strongest signals.  There's at least 3-4 different stations in roundtable fashion.  Likely ham operators operating out of band, just below 40 meters.  Very informal, lots of use of the word "cambio" (which roughly means "over" or "back to you") in Latin American radio lingo.  Chances are these stations aren't fishing fleets or drug traffickers using HF..they're likely just radio hobbyists operating out of band.  Considering how close they are to the bottom edge of the 40 meter ham band only adds to this theory (or may be detracts from it?)

There's a strong FSK signal centered around 6996 kHz that has been fading in and out and sometimes completely obliterates these guys' signals but they don't seem to care.  Still going strong at 2133 UTC.  Signals all over the place, from S3 to S5.  Carlo, Pablo and other names heard.  No alphanumerical callsigns heard....
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m