Yes the squarewave switching is an essential part of class E. The output device is only ever in 2 states, On or Off, a pure switch. Sinewave puts the output device in a resistive mode between the 2 states, never good..
I have, as have others, posted up schematics with circuit values, just start there, you'll get instant results.
I piddled about for years, simulating and building and testing and modifying and improving.
SMT wise 2012 are quite chunky and suggest you try that size. I too have BIG hands but use a X4 magnifier and have a decent soldering iron. I'm happy with 0805 but can use 0603 but smaller than that (0402) is too small!
I'd stick to PCBs for anything RF. So cheap from CH.
Good you're experimenting and improving....
Simple sim below;
Green is gate (non ideal, realistic slopey squarewave)
Red is output
Blue is drain.
Folk seem hung up on weird idealised circuit values, most of them dont really matter and tuning can be done using toroidal inductors (can vary inductance +/- 50%)
Drain inductor, any old value as long as its 5X or more the Z of the stage (2u is around 80R in this circuit).Any greater is just a waste of wire and more resistance.
C1 is simply adjusted to give (approx) 3.5X the voltage of the supply across the drain, this will vary with FET type as each FET has it's own build in capacitance. Again NOT critical at all.
C2/L2, you can see I've used a standard value rather than some simulated one. IT DOESNT MATTER! The 2 components form a BPF so ANY values will work as long as they are at the correct frequency and this can be adjusted (+/- 50%) by stretching and squeezing the turns to either get the most power or the best efficiency (they dont ever align btw). The BPF is NOT 'on' frequency as has to introduce some lag time wise to align the gate and drain waveforms, they should oppose.
L2 (part)/C3 these actual transform the impedance of the stage from 14R (in this case ) to 50R, it's called a (complex) conjugate match, think of it as SIMPLE match, as it is in physical terms!
That's it, simple eh! You will have to add an LPF and take into account C3 of course.
You can see why the complexity of biasing etc is a waste of time, you want a SWITCHING device NOT a LINEAR one.
Expect 10-15W from this circuit with around 0.8-1.2A of current.
DONT use the 510, USE the 520.