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Author Topic: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands  (Read 3723 times)

Offline MojaveBeaconeer

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Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« on: April 25, 2022, 1220 UTC »
Thanks for your posting in this and Jim's reports - I guess you could say that the ~6627 kHz "Gendarme" is the other "whooper" of a simpler kind that simply relies upon a voltage drop during "key-down" to create its characteristic whoop rather than some complicated micro-pro like DW.= has (i.e. likely more reliable esp. lacking a battery).

Secondly I now insist my beacons are daytime-only to keep the propagation footprint smaller (these are, after all, not-officially sanctioned, to be truthful).

What is STRANGE is how the other beacon paired with Gendarme - the long time "Rainy" ticker/dripper) - seems to come and go when otherwise propagation would bring in its signal.  I suspect it has been relocated and is being run intermittently and is not in its 'original location' in the Mojave Nat. Preserve since March 2003.  I have no intent on ever venturing down to the lower deserts to check out the remaining (dying) beacons implanted around the early Millienium (no fun now and too tiring) in-preference in maintaining daytimer beacons closer to "home." 73-MB

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2022, 0616 UTC »
...... some complicated micro-pro like DW

McGreevy, your public sniping is uncalled for and is not what this forum is about. My opinion of you continues to decline at a precipitous rate.
NRD-525, Elecraft KX3 and Elecraft PX3 Spectrum Display
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2022, 0132 UTC »
"Gendarme" is the other "whooper" of a simpler kind that simply relies upon a voltage drop during "key-down" to create its characteristic whoop rather than some complicated micro-pro like DW.= has (i.e. likely more reliable esp. lacking a battery).

Wow. Such bitterness posted across so many threads. We are wondering what drives you to waste your time in this manner?

First two threads we've read in many months and you are complaining about DW in both of them. Almost hate to look at anymore beacon threads...... it used to be fun to come here and learn about pirate beacons.

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2022, 0402 UTC »
Oh goodnes gracious Mr. Jim, likewise.  Most can tell here that I rarely report here anymore, and frankly I care not a wisp about your southern california attitude either and for taking over this forum, etc. 

This whole pirate beacon thing has gone **way too fa** and sooner or later the rising police state that the USA is becoming will engender Uncle Charlie to take action, as HE knows where all of these things are located, yup.

May I sweetly remind you that I began this mania back in 1988 with a small 4096 beeper stuck deep in a Marin fern forested canyon (you don't have those in smoglandtracthomeland down below, no?) -- friend Frank heard it fine in Descanso 1/88.

Now I cannot believe how it has morphed into this total *mania* like American pick-up trucks have grown mongo in size with the accompanying attitude problems, Jimbo.

So really, may all readers remember who began this before HFU even existed. I have NO qualms with Chris. S. at all, but the Southern California attitude you carry with your "I live in the better part of Orange (Smoggy, cough cough)  sprawl-County" is rather snarly too, sir, har dee har. 

I keep my beacons simple, as they LAST - yes far outlast the more complex ones - such as the Coxie beacon etc.  =  simple 4011 to 2N3866 designs are really throw away units. 

So you have a declining opinion of myself - oh gee willikers, oh my oh my. 

Do I really care - this is a silly radio forum, Mr. So Cal. silly kinda sn*bby guy taken over this forum, ad nauseum.  Actually I think other long time radio-heads might agree, dude - DOOOD southern kalifornia talk surfer dude newport beach car wreck boom boom box car capital of the planet like the rest of the big nasty mess down below where you have to watch your 6 o'clock constantly for the manic speeders galore.  hee hee.

"I live in the better part of the nasty LA Basin so car clogged sigalert PSI=300 cough cough" he should really say: - THE 405 to THE 710 to THE 210 to THE whatever # it is = all a gridlocked mess - sig-alert this is 1070 KNX giving you the manic traffricked report every 8 minutes from hyper maniced southern california, doodland for sure totally groady to the max I live in the better part of Encino - omigod. for sure, toootaaallllyy!.

aww just kidding. dooooood fer sure totally.

I challenge YOU, Jim, to do the radio achievements I have done since the 70s from Marin County/Point Reyes (far more bucolic the place once was before the SouthernCalifornian-rat-racers ruined the place so yuppie land now); and Hawaii (same thing now); with LF DX records broken, etc.  This stuff to me seems rather  - uh - silly, compared.

I am moving into restoration of antique radios and also WSPR DX beacons in 630 meter band.  fer sure tootally dood you can not like me at all oh waa waa do i really care jimbo. :-)

Could the pesky DW perps move the silly bird-thing up to the the former WindBeacon (oh, sorry, "Windy") or where the former TMP unit was once in kofazona.? Pleeze for sure dood totally?


I think I will report about fish net beacon DX preferbly... it was glorious back in the 80s in Hawaii to hear the XBand filled up with those units before the freaking-out FCC freaked-up that band with still more AMBCB crap 1620 to 1700 splatter splatter/now still full of clashing SAHing stations - why can't the freakingout FCC get it right and have ONE - OMG just ONE  - ONLY ONE *clear channel* above 535 kc like 530 Cubans have and with the superior audio quality of the 530 (etc.) Cubanos rather than that weird/strange "AmeriMorph" AM radio audio characteristics Frank & I (etc.) call "Phasar Audio" - has anyone noticed how gawdawful 1070/640 KFI (cough cough!) 720 LostWages/740 KCBS 'all ads all the time'/and so many other 50 kilowatt "AmeriMorph" audio blasters which have adopted the strange mid-range ringing audio?  I swear The commies in Cuba have better audio engineering standards than the NorteAmericanos can do today, WTHeck?

I must be some kind of possible mind control to agitate the rightwing masses, no? Just wondering why most nations have better AM/MW band audio than here, WTHeck?

but I digress... or do I:  no wonder I have almost ceased about all of my DXing of the VERY weird and totally 540-1700 All Graveyard dial here, in (very) vast preference to TP DXing those still gorgeous sounding Japanese, Korean, Chinese, (etc.) AM stations rather than the odious programming heard on those talktalktalktalk on and on PhasarAudio AM stations here weirdland.   Hmmm: maybe to avoid the mind control...(?)

There seems to be NO chatter anywhere (IRCA/NRC etc.) regarding the odious AM-BCB "Phasar" audio quality here in strangeland.

But I digressed from the "silly beacon thing" and silly opining of it all.

quoting the dood from "ClockWorkOrangeCounty":

...... some complicated micro-pro like DW

McGreevy, your public sniping is uncalled for (really?) and is not what this forum is about. My opinion of you continues to decline at a precipitous rate like the stock exchange, no?

oh don't take this whole silly thing too seriously, Jimbo.  LOL...

Offline Teotwaki

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2022, 0557 UTC »
That 853 word rant is a real doozy McGreevy. Just like the first rant where you so bizarrely accused me of ruining your desert night vision.  I should have left that one up for people to read. But maybe Chris has it archived somewhere.

 Post  below ----->Snipped for brevity and for emphasis on the weirdness of it all<----

southern california attitude
taking over this forum, etc. 
rising police state
I began this mania
morphed into this total *mania*
all readers remember who began this before HFU even existed
Southern California attitude you carry
oh gee willikers, oh my oh my. 
this is a silly radio forum, Mr. So Cal.
silly kinda sn*bby guy taken over this forum, ad nauseum
DOOOD southern kalifornia talk surfer dude newport beach car wreck boom boom box car capital big nasty mess down below where you  hee hee.
nasty LA Basin so car clogged sigalert PSI=300 cough cough
doodland for sure totally groady to the max I live in the better part of Encino - omigod. for sure, toootaaallllyy!.
radio achievements I have done since the 70s
SouthernCalifornian-rat-racers ruined the place so yuppie land now
fer sure tootally dood you can not like me at all oh waa waa do i really care jimbo. :-)
pesky DW perps move the silly bird-thing
Pleeze for sure dood totally?
freaking-out FCC freaked-up that band
some kind of possible mind control to agitate the rightwing masses
maybe to avoid the mind control...(?)
"silly beacon thing" and silly opining of it all.
quoting the dood from "ClockWorkOrangeCounty":
oh don't take this whole silly thing too seriously

Steve, please get some professional help. That time I talked to you on the phone you seemed friendly but a little goofy.  Now you have shared some truly worrying behavior:

Exhibit paranoia.
Write about things that aren’t there or never happened.
Make repetitive statements.
Seem more depressed than usual
Behave aggressively.
Have extensive facial burns.
Seem tired, anxious, or depressed.
Act detached from reality.

NRD-525, Elecraft KX3 and Elecraft PX3 Spectrum Display
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2022, 1806 UTC »
Link to another rambling McGreevy post of older "necessary input"

NRD-525, Elecraft KX3 and Elecraft PX3 Spectrum Display
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Offline syfr

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2022, 2303 UTC »
I can see I've got some catching up to do here......  I never knew we could make demands?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2022, 2040 UTC by syfr »
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2022, 0130 UTC »
I demand an SDR with knobs. And more flying penguin talk with that good SoCal boy, Al Fansome, passed on, and unable to carry on the fight.

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2022, 0245 UTC »
I demand an SDR with knobs. And more flying penguin talk with that good SoCal boy, Al Fansome, passed on, and unable to carry on the fight.

Elecraft KX3
etc have knobs

I could get you a flying penguin tShirt but digging up Fansome is right out   ;D

« Last Edit: July 01, 2022, 0306 UTC by Teotwaki »
NRD-525, Elecraft KX3 and Elecraft PX3 Spectrum Display
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2022, 0341 UTC »
What about the penguins? Al was right about Amelia Earhardt, he could be right about the penguins if you could spot them flying over the dope-smoke clouded skies of SoCal and NorCal. Watch your step in San Fran, stoners take dumps on the sidewalks there. It's too foggy and smoky to find a toilet. Poor Nancy Pelosi does it in the floor of her office and the Senate chamber. Why? Bad habits learned at home are tough to break. Capitol break that poor woman!

How's that for a rant?

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2022, 1310 UTC »
Oh, Chris....what day of the week does the HFU Santa deliver?

I'd like to demand 20 acres of unrestricted land in northern NM.

Oh, and I demand The ACE resume publication! 
« Last Edit: July 01, 2022, 1552 UTC by syfr »
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2022, 1847 UTC »
 The ACE was discontinued because of big box stores,like Sam's Club,it's lack of absorbency, and unfortunate staple accidents the Sears and J.C. Penney's catalogs overcame decades ago, not to mention the obvious superiority of local newspapers and corn cobs.

Now, Al isn't charcoal grey. Don't you know anything about crematoriums? They process the smaller bones down to an off white powder and give that to the family in a bag and box. That looks sort of like the agricultural additive, perlite. It might be, as crooked as the funeral
business is.

Watch them until Grandma is in the ground and they drive off with that backhoe on the back of the truck,they'll steal anything of value that went in that coffin.

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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2022, 1555 UTC »
I was searching the internet for pirate beacon info and this archive came up. Stephen used to openly publicize all of his illegal broadcasts such as the KMUD shortwave pirate radio station.


This is the sort of thing he should proudly rant about rather than trashing other beacon operators.

Among the list of recordings you'll find a lot of neat audio clips of beacons in the past and present.



That's Stephen on the left


[Before 91.1 KMUD (FM) Garberville (Humboldt County) Calif. went on with a tiny 110 watts around 1991 (I enjoyed them from Westport Union Landing SP in August 1992 whilst camping in a camper-van) - KMUD on shortwave began from a houseboat in southern Marin County.  Later, the ops. changed and the location of KMUD-sw changed to a north Marin location and later into the Mojave Desert, but KMUD-sw is rarely heard today, however there is now a really cool drama play in the UK and Europe remembering the infamous KMUD Mojave Phone Broadcast in the Millennial Year of 2000...]

On the weekend of March 24th to the 26th of 2000, Three intrepid radio-enthusiasts ventured into the Mojave National Preserve and set-up a 20-watt shortwave transmitter (AM) - an old TCS-13 built in 1944, along with a huge battery and an inverter, as well as an end-fed antenna wire.

The three guys at KMUD-shortwave (Ed, Kirk, and Steve) received an ongoing barrage of telephone calls, as the world-famous and remote Mojave Phone Booth constantly rang with callers from around the World to the now defunct telephone number +1 (760) 733-9969.

One of the KMUD dudes (Ed) actually made it onto the Art Bell Show the first evening of their arrival to the Booth, and announced to listeners the upcoming pirate-radio "live-call-in" broadcast they were preparing to do the next evening.

These recordings were made live, before and during the broadcasts, and there are a few recordings of the segment of the Art Bell Show that Ed called into.

You may have seen many internet postings, photos, and have seen a movie about this remote phone booth, but this was the real-deal - KMUD-shortwave.

As this telephone installation employed very lengthy, above-ground telephone steel wires (old-style), it had a tendency to pick-up Earth's "natural VLF radio" signals - we actually heard very faint "whistlers" and lightning-static during the weekend we were there!

(See other MP3 albums on archive.org related to natural VLF radio phenomena - by Stephen P. McGreevy)

You will also be able to hear clips of KMUD-shortwave as heard in two locations in Arizona, by two different DXers on 43M (AM) and 73m (AM/SSB).

Also are recordings of those p-hifer (A1A) desert-beacons from various locations.

In 2003, I obtained about 10 CDrs of KIPM's Studio-releases of Alan Maxwell's excellent and ethereal shows. I ripped them to (128 kbps (FBR) MP3 files, and burned them to CDr. The HDD of the machine I did this on eventually crashed, and I misplaced the CDr of KIPM's studio shows until 28 September 2010. Enjoy.

KIPM studio-archives online at: http://radionewyorkinternational.com/archives/index.php?path=pirate%2Fkipm/

Also is a show: "Morak - The Thing Behind the Wall" in which I played Morak.

SpM - September 2010
« Last Edit: July 18, 2022, 1611 UTC by Teotwaki »
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2022, 1635 UTC »
NRD-525, Elecraft KX3 and Elecraft PX3 Spectrum Display
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Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2022, 2100 UTC »
Wait, the Handsome Al Fansome is expired?

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