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Messages - Ray Lalleu

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... 2453
on 5970
1925 music, 1929 'this is Radio 2-Oh-8 ....', music

on 6939.87
1920 music, weak to very weak
1951 very weak

(2037 gone)

on 6296.05
1834 Blues Brothers, 1836 W DJ (no copy), jazz

1842 coucou, coucou!, W voice, "Whole lotta shaking going on"
1907 Baccara "Yes sir....", 1909 Radio Cuckoo jingle, W DJ

(1953 gone)

on 6195
1724 C&W, 1726 "Let's go to S. Francisco"
tentative ID
1830 music
1903 Gringo jingle, "Blue suede shoes"

on 6290.0++
1708 very weak, some music barely heard
1720 D music (rather like Batavia, but weak)
1724 talking (no copy), music

(1847 gone)

ID : see below for Klinker
but on the audio log by Achim, the ID at 1725 sounds like Radio Sarans(?)

on 6249.92
1649 barely heard, 1701 rock, yes "Du hast", going on same kind, very weak here

1728 music, talking (no copy)

(1851 gone, now the Far East station on 6250.0)

ID Radio Avia (from Achim's audiologs)

on 6931.0
1606 trace (audio guessed in the noise)

1912 music, Ru beeps on U-side, bursts of noisy UT on L-side,
1917 ID

2308 Sp W singer

on 6300.00
1547 music, weak and very noisy, 1554 D songs, fading up
1615 "Puppet on a string" ... 1630 deep fade
1644 music, 1648 next
1720 D music

(1850 gone)

on 6275, dxace1 had a misplaced tip at 1434 UTC (maybe already the same station)

on 6275.0
1524 music, music, 1530 W voice (no copy), music
then music, and canned IDs or promo announcements, 1543 in G, then in E,
1545 FRSH contacts (incl. POB), music
1600 ID, from Sunday April 28th, 1601 Sting and other parts
1707 FRS Holland
1833 offshore stories     1848 offshore stories
1936 music, 1937 IDs, 1938 chatting
2033 ID, 2034 carrier

on 6290.0- -
1519 music, 1521 voice of Bart, 1523 ID, chatting

1546 station's tune

(1559 gone)

SDR - Software Defined Radio / KiwiSDR best NB gone?
« on: May 03, 2024, 1018 UTC »
With a new version of KiwiSDR software,
the 'special' Noise Blanker is gone. :(  :(  :(

That 'special' NB was the best against 'frying' noise so common in Europe.

on 6955.0+
(0750 trace? at home)
1000 very weak music near the Alps, (trace? at home), 1005

on 6210.0- -
1005 weak trace at home, noisy near the Alps, music

on 1233
2215 music  // with 5880,
2216 ID, music

on 5879.95
2025 ID, music
2215 // with 1233 MW
2222 ID, "On the road again"

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