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Messages - Doc Roe

Pages: [1] 2 3
SIO 55545 Very strong penetrating signal.

2315 Electro-Pop Style Music

She announced frequency change on sign off. First time I've ever heard them on the frequency they'd announced.
 About s9 but the lower sideband component from 7365 is chopping them up pretty badly.
 May I suggest a 9 MHz frequency at this time of day? I think you'll find it a fantastic single hop regional band. Much lower absorption than 6/7 but still good high angle coverage.
1355- Vlodymyr Zelensky expose?

Very strapping signal, peaking s9 +20, with Link 11 spazzing out in the background.
 2317-Huey Lewis
 2322-Eyes without a face (Billy Idol)(I miss hearing some of this stuff.)

Think it's Voice of the Sons of Liberty, judging by the interval signal.
 I.D. at 2159 SINPO 45444 (About s9 +10)
 Program about CoVid and Vaccines.

(Quieter and stronger here. s9+10. SINFO 44344)
Sign on Interval Signal and Announcement.
I believe repeat broadcast from 6955.
Whistleblower from Eco-Health Alliance-Gain of Function research on H1N1.
Report from LA Times. Regarding research of Virologist named "Shortridge"?
Sign of at 2213z

(Occasional QRM from ALE down on 7350.)

Just tuned in about 2055z.
Talk of Bird Flu, Gain of Function research, weaponization research by ?Dazak? and Fauci.
Claims Gain of Function previously conducted in Ukraine? (Not sure I heard this right, heavy QRN blast.

About s9 but lots of QRN.

0003- s9+10 0n peaks. Averaging s9. SINPO 45444.
"DJ Dickweed is on the air. Various "Radio Free Whatever" liners.
0004- Song with YL.
(Thank you for the shout-out DJ Dickweed!! I listen a lot more than I post because I am usually in the mobile.  The shows help keep me awake on the road.)

2100-Music maybe s5. (QRN chopping things up.) Evanescence? (Been a while since my last lollapalooza concerts)
2110- Male announcer " We're gonna give it a try, before that line of storms catches us."

s9, with rapid fade and rotation. QRN,...and iono-detritus underfoot. Signal would sound good if not for the abysmal SNR tonight.

 I THINK I caught WWRR? World Wide Basement Radio? (Thanks Wedergarten for clearing that up.)
0046-Faded down into the nether regions.
0057- Shock the Monkey (Peter Gabriel).
       (Signal now very good. Excellent audio, both in freq response and dynamic range. Definitely processed, but the TX also shows good dynamic response, with no LF/Drum intermoding with the higher frequencies. Great job.)

Treading water in a sea of lightning,...iono noise,....and other assorted RF flotsam and jetsam.
 So much phase rotation I can just tell there's music and a male baritone with heavy reverb, either speaking or singing.
 No fault of the station,....the ionosphere a frothing mass of phase incoherent refractive index.

0028-Either a woman or child talking/arguing with male?

It's BORK BORK!!!!!

Country Music

s7 at the moment. Op says 20 watts!!! Not bad!

Ha ha,...PERFECT!! Outhouse Radio.

Great Listening for a mountain bumpkin like myself to shave to. (Hey,...it's Saturday might,....bath night!! ;D)
Got the water heating over the cook fire now.

Surprisingly strong in spite of condx.
 +10 over s9 on Phased Verts.
  s9 on south Bevvy.

Nomadiq got his wish!!!

2100 Tuned in to find s9 +5 program with good audio.
 Program is about Mass Formation Psychosis. (As pertaining to the George Floyd riots, CoVid, and contemporaneous events.)

Tuned in during middle of program about UK Pirate Broadcasting in the 60s/70s.
Mentioned Radio Jackie, Radio London, etc.
s9+10 0n south Beverage.
s9+20 on Verticals, but SNR not as good.
Very clean, crisp audio. Can hear some processing, but no pumping. Not too bad.
(LoL, one of the Radio Jackie ops says a police officer in the raiding party had actually one a prize on the station the day before!!)

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