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Messages - Charlie Foxtrot Mike

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The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 27, 2015, 0254 UTC »
Thanks man! Much clearer now. I write to u next week. Salud! 

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 25, 2015, 1937 UTC »
Hi guys, how u doing?  I'm still travelling across the country and no much time near Internet connection. So I'm still gonna be in debt with you all. Soon I'll write again (next week).
Yesterday I found an amplifier circuit using the TDA2003. There are 2 of them (ready to use), both 6 watts, one is mono and the other one is stereo. They are cheap, so if it works, I could get one. What do u think? Or should I build it?   

Talk to you soon, have a nice time. Salud!

Man, that was deep. :)   A wide and clear explanation, with an epic and poetic ending. Cool!
Well, it was really a bit of logical stuff about moving away on the band and still staying a bit close. The guy told me that crystal can be modified to get the freq you need. In fact I found days before a link to an Argentinian guy who do that, asking about 40usd per crystal. The crystals from my friend's store are a lot but many with 3500,7000,27000,6000,13000+(cant remember exactly) and some others I didn't see. I'll take a second look and note some. Salud!
Charlie F. M.

The RF Workbench / What's the "best frequency" to broadcast?
« on: June 13, 2015, 0204 UTC »
Take this question as it is, please . A question of a newbie. Today I was searching for a Xtal on a store near here and then as I didn't find the one I wanted (6.925), though he had thousands, started to ask myself : Must that freq be? Why?  Why not?  Which one then? Are freqs used as a kind of tradition or as a result just after moving away from the big stations?  A simple question for a simple answer.  Danke.
Charlie F. Mike

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 13, 2015, 0150 UTC »
Sorry for the delay... This bad habit of working, I cannot leave it.  :) Thanks guys for your great replys, there's so much info to absorb... But it's exciting to start re-discovering this world. About my study, we'll, I have a couple of books... One of them really didactic and the other one it's hard stuff (for me). I'm moving step by step.
OK this is how it looks so far : in 3 days I go to the cap city, so I think I should find almost everything out there. In the worst case I'll have to get the irf510 from eBay or some other seller and then wait. I was reading the diagram from station QRP and discovered I have some of the tube they use in the 8 watts TX. So I went to the guy of the TV and radio service and asked about that project (he has no IRF510s btw). Then he told me: "I used to build and repair the transmitter for the first guy (a reverend) who was here with radios (in the 70s), I know about TX and Rx a lot." and I was like  :o . He picked up a lot of designs for FM, am and SW... And told me to choose any...  Many of them were too low power(am and sw) or too high (fm) but much easier to build.  It's gonna be my last card...   So I'll be back on the 28th, hope with everything ready to start soldering. :)
Pd: one thing I have realized here, is that it seems there's no pirate stations in these latitudes. At least in a language I could get. It makes it even more interesting for me to accomplish this task.
That's for now people. Thanks again ff, Lex, Zazzle, for your time and passion. Have a nice weekend.
Charlie F. Mike

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 10, 2015, 0055 UTC »
Great to know! The irf510 that I need, must be the IR original? Cuz the Vishay are available almost everywhere. In fact, the whole list in Aliexpress costs about 30 usd , but then I'll have lots of each component... What's not bad (as long they aren't too bad quality). I'm so motivated that I already started learning basic electronics :).  I'll keep you informed guys. Thanks and salud!

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 09, 2015, 1436 UTC »
Well, had the list almost ready and then found a store here(1500km away, but same country) where good electronic stuff can be found. Searching their catalog I realized there's no IRF510 available, but irf840 and the IRFZ44N. Could I use any of those without having to modify something else? Reading the comments of the site, they say the IRFZ44N works the same. If so, I could buy everything here and not in China. Thanks.

Here's the data sheet.

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 08, 2015, 1350 UTC »
Of course my friend. I want to broadcast cuz I have things to tell and music to show but not to annoy people  ;). I am a hater myself when people doesn't respect others on Amateur Radio Bands. I was thinking about modify the cb radio, knowing that is possible to use it on 40 meters, maybe is it possible to move a lil further to the 41 meters? Right now I'm searching for the pieces in Aliexpress :)  there's everything in there. I'd appreciate if you or anyone here could later, when I'm ready to buy, take a look at the list to see if I'm not doing a mistake. Guerrilla Project has begun. Thanks again. Gonna keep you updated (of course the action gonna start in one month or maybe more, depending on how long the shipping takes).

The RF Workbench / Re: New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 07, 2015, 0328 UTC »
Hey ff, thanks for the complete answer. I'm completely new to RF electronics, so I guess The Guerrilla would be OK. Only that I guess I have to buy everything from the states or UK, cuz here there's no complete electronic supply store. I'm still thinking about the transformers and wire winding... Well I guess I'll start searching now :).
About the cb radio, as it is, it won't broadcast unless it is modified, right? I mean, thinking about transmit for an hour or so with no pause.  Thx again. Now is time to read about electronics.  :)

The RF Workbench / New here and already with doubts (tx)
« on: June 06, 2015, 1555 UTC »
Hello everyone! I'm just starting here so after saying hi I'd like to ask about this. I want to build/buy a Transmitter for broadcasting, and looking for it I've found many circuits I could try (guerrilla, spitfire, LULU, etc). Wich one could be right to start? I live in the south of the south of South America, only woods here so I could transmit without stress. The other thing is, I could have one or two cb radios that nobody uses here... Is it possible to modify them for broadcasting? I thank you in advance for any tip or help.  Salud!

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