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Messages - WWBR

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Thanks for the patience listening in this mess, peeps. Bands are *awful*. I'm surprised it got anywhere with the solar flare.

I was only doing about 45w at +120%, about 10w dead carrier, while I was bringing the CRL processing back online. I finally just plain gave up on the Optimod HF I had... I've spent literally months inside that thing replacing caps and stuff, but the 35+ years it spent in a musty old barn was just too much for it. Doesn't help that it was a prototype unit with hand-etched boards and many little "secret" potted circuits that even Orban/CRL couldn't describe!

It was actually a 9100 with major modifications and didn't have the "memory" circuits the retail 9105 units had. Frankly, the CRL units sound *way* better IMO. I gave the thing to my "radio museum curator" buddy.

My bad... I gave the wrong email addy out at the end of the broadcast... should be wildradio@protonmail.com. Par for the course, lol.

I have an eQSL made up, but no way to upload it or host the file. If you want one, just send me a note at the email above.

I want to thank everyone for the loggings here. This was the first outdoor remote broadcast I've done since the mid 1980s, and first attempt at a pirate broadcast outdoors ever. Literally from the back deck, which I call our "poop deck".

It's the first broadcast from WILD/WWBR in six months or so. At the moment, my usual studio gear and processing are all in a big pile somewhere around here while I try to do some deep cleaning. Sadly, progress is very slow.

All my desktop computers had lost power supplies and C drives in a storm, so all I have to work with is two old laptops (OLD!!), an old 80's Radio Shack mixer (older still) and an old rusty Urei BL40 Modulimiter AM processor I had handy in the cabinet (freaking ancient!). I'm very surprised that no smoke escaped from anything, quite honestly.

I was literally about 15' from the feedpoint of my dipole, with absolutely no ground system. Loops? Well, the string of RF burns on my wrists from the metal edge of the table pretty much confirm that. I could feel it in my dental fillings though. The fact it radiated at all was amazing, and the fact my voice lasted as long as it did post-COVID was literally incredible. Last time I was on, it was gone to a rough whisper in about an hour.

COVID has had me and wifey down for a year and a half and we only started to get better after our vaccine shots. We've never been "officially" positive on tests, and have struggled through this at home with no other treatment, and I wouldn't wish the last 14 months on anybody. It's only by some miracle that neither of us wound up in ICU. The only thing I can think is that the pneumonia boosters we had in the fall of 2019 kept us from having the severe respiratory symptoms, but we still get out of breath fairly easily and about once a week, I still feel like I have glass shards in my lungs. If only the severe muscle and joint pain and almost daily migraines would stop, I'd probably feel almost human again.

Wifey finally had the lumbar surgery she'd been waiting on for months, 10 days ago, and I'm doing my best to take care of her by myself. It's certainly not easy with the lingering fatigue, so as soon as I can get time to make an eQSL, I will post it on here. I hope you understand I simply cannot find the time to make individual ones at this point, as much as I'd like to.

Again, thank you all for listening and posting here. Take care, be safe and I'll try to pop up on 43 meters as I can.

Poop Deck Radio via WILD/WWBR

Oh, duh... I was peaking around 45w, just fyi.

IBOC on AM is, sadly, mostly used to create intentional interference to competing, adjacent-channel, out-of-market stations. I've talked to more than a couple engineers who would just as soon shut it off, but management fights to keep it on, for the reason stated. Getting AM ratings is an all-out war nowdays. Perhaps if they offered something different and interesting to capture listeners, that would help, but that requires far more talent and money than typical penny-ante corporate types are willing to pony up.

FM... most are simply using HD subchannels as studio-transmitter links. A handful actively program them, but they all know market penetration is nil, and outside of major markets, will never garner any kind of meaningful ratings. The few that do, are basically broadcasting former popular programming from stations that were flipped to other formats.

A few companies simply cannot leave something that works well intact, whether it tanks the ratings or not. There are an incredible amount if idiots in radio management, working for companies who cannot afford to spend anything because all the money is flowing to stockholders, massive debt and operating costs. The fact so few HD radios are in the wild is compounded by the fact most people cannot be bothered to figure out how to use them if they *do* own one.

Huh? / Re: Curious
« on: August 20, 2020, 2347 UTC »
Thank you, MDK2.

Today, I'm feeling the best I have in months, not as well as I'd like, but this day has brought the least of the fatigue and pain. I'm hoping it is finally getting better. The fatigue has been the worst part, literally many days where just sitting in here tinkering with radio stuff is "too much", days when I wondered why I even forced myself out of bed. Generally, every single day for months, sometime in late afternoon, the fatigue would hit, like having a 75 pound weighted blanket dropped on me out of nowhere. Today is the second day I haven't had that happen, and I *really* hope this is permanent. But you never know, because symptoms come in waves for a few days. Really screwy, just plain weird virus, I'll tell you. I can only hope I'm over it for good, fingers crossed.

Huh? / Re: Curious
« on: August 19, 2020, 2204 UTC »
I figured I'd chime in here...

I have been doing a LOT of testing lately, mostly at low power <10w. All my gear is pretty ancient, takes a lot of tweaking. It's not uncommon for something to start smoking during a broadcast due to it's age. Then, it's down to the bench, repair the unit, and start over. And what sounds like good processing on AM can sound plain dreadful on SSB, and vice versa. If I'm not just doing a short test, such as after a repair job, I try to fire a liner off now and then.

As for live shows... I've done a few, but COVID has really messed up my voice. I'm really hoping it improves, because my voice sounds like it aged 25 years since getting sick in late Feb. The low registers are totally gone now, and it's just plain rough. I played back an SDR recording someone sent me, and I'm like, "do I *really* sound that awful now?" I think if my voice got any worse, I'd sound like Brother Stare.

So, if I'm on and just playing music, it's probably not that I don't *want* to do a live show, it's that I simply do not feel well enough. I can't believe this crap has been so rough for FIVE months, and I *still* have a good day for every 7 bad ones. Wifey has been through the same, although she is probably back to 90% now, I'm still around 60% because of liver and heart issues. Somehow, we both dodged the pneumonia bullet from this, maybe because we both had pneumonia boosters in November.

Just to verify, I was testing USB mode... calls were

My tweaking, continued from 6925.2. I shut it down when I heard a station sending CD ID in my lower sideband.

To clear any confusion... I was tuning up my audio with 40w peak with the music on 6925.2AM, NWR was not anywhere to be heard when I started. I pushed it up to 100w peak just as Aldo Nova started playing, and BSOD'ed my music computer. :) So, he started right about that time I reckon. My audio line to the front panel audio jack was picking up RF like crazy. A couple clip-on ferrites seemed to do the trick.

So, anyways, that is what the deal is here. FWIW, I heard the NWR ID in my local monitor fairly clear when I shut down the carrier. So, if NWR was on when I first signed on, my apologies.

Tick Tock has been making the trip to Michigan quite well. S9 and above on the 43m dipole, sat 800. Hardly any fading or noise here.

Nothing here, but I'm tuned to 4015 kilopsychos, sooo...

I have it just above the noise here on my DX440. Playing Peter Schilling. A UTE on USB is giving you a lot of QRM. Now, playing Whip it by Devo.

Coming in pretty decent on Sigmacomm SDR on CT/MA border, about S6, UTE still working you over, and also sounds like some CW in the mix.

I can just hear the music on my Grundig in AM Sync mode... a lot of local QRM, but I made out Love Shack and the Capt & Tennille tune.

I could hear parts of the 10CC tune, part of an ID... a really rough copy locally.

Been working in the shack here while I listen... definitely a "Love" theme..

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6924.94 AM 2040UTC 28 Feb 2020
« on: February 28, 2020, 2039 UTC »
Punched up Chris' kiwi for a few and there it was... Audio was stuttering bad at first...
2042 - Cream - Strange Brew

Just happened to turn on my DX440 and found this station blaring at me. On the whip antenna, I have 2-3 LEDs lit, so around an S5 or so, playing 70's and 80's music. I heard Simple Minds, Eurythmics and CCR. Sounds a touch distorted and unstable, but that could just be the batteries getting soft.

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