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Topics - MDK2

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QSLs Received / CHU QSL
« on: March 15, 2016, 0212 UTC »
My first hard copy QSL.

Equipment / SSB - how to tell USB from LSB
« on: March 08, 2016, 2335 UTC »
Hello, total newbie here. I have a Tecsun PL-600 which has a button for receiving SSB mode transmissions. It doesn't distinguish between whether the signal is LSB or USB, which I guess I don't need, but I'm curious. Most of the pirate station postings here identify the broadcast as being in USB, but from what I've read SSB transmissions under 10 MHz (which these all seem to be, in the 43m band) typically are sent in LSB with those over 10 MHz being USB.

So I have two questions. If LSB is standard, why are the pirates transmitting in USB? And is there any way I can tell which mode is being used when listening to something in SSB on my Tecsun - perhaps where I crank the BFO knob (+ or -) tells me that?


QSLs Received / Radio New Zealand International eQSL
« on: March 08, 2016, 1752 UTC »
I'm sure this is of little interest to the experienced DX'ers here, but this is my first QSL and so it's cool to me.


I think this is the right place... Found this signal which appears to be morse code to my very untrained ear, a pattern that seems to be the letters U L O (dot dot dash dot dash dot dot dash dash dash) [EDIT: first letter is W, dot dash dash] followed by four long shrill pulses, in a pattern that takes about 15 seconds. I apologize that the audio wasn't great on my video. I searched a bit online and here but couldn't come up with anything describing this transmission at this frequency.


EDIT: Thanks to Josh for the information.

Found this station, audible from 239-243, apparently a news program Korean (I'm not fluent in any Asian language so can't confirm), with occasional English speakers with Australian accents and mention of Koreans in Australian. I listened for nearly an hour, until about 2255z. At one point one of the Korean announcers gave a website but I only caught it because it ended .com.au. So apparently it's an Australian station, however I can't find one single online listing for any Korean stations broadcasting in Australian on the longwave, nor any listings for any LW station broadcasting at this frequency. If anyone knows more about this I'd appreciate the info. Thanks!

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