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Topics - ChrisSmolinski

Pages: 1 ... 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 [659] 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 ... 945
SDR recording catch.
0200 Sign on with a weak carrier.
0202 Weak music heard.
0205 Off

SDR recording catch.
0438 sign on with music then an OM talking.
0530 IDs.
0548 Off

Other / 8 Echo Yankee 6903 USB 0650 UTC 28 May 2015
« on: May 28, 2015, 1248 UTC »
I stumbled on this while going through the SDR recordings. At first I thought it was just MARS, but it turned out to be an American EE OM with a 30 character message, starting with WSC34N, and closed with "this is 8 Echo Yankee, out".  The 30 characters were sent as 5 groups of 6 characters, letters and numbers.

It did have a bit of a .mil feel to it, but certainly not the typical MARS traffic. Any ideas?

A different EE OM at 0720, another 30 character message starting with WSC34N but different characters. Also signed 8 Echo Yankee.

The number "5" sounded a lot like "Fife". They did use Foxtrot, so it was a 5 and not an F.

Another? OM back at 0750. Also, the "3" sounded a lot like "tree".  Off at 0755.

SDR recording catch. Weak carrier from 0322-0326. Maybe someone else got some audio during this time period?

Good to hear Old Time Radio again!

A weak signal, but getting audio here. S5 signal.

SDR recording catch. Sounds like a repeat of the earlier transmission. Reception was a bit better this time.
0348 "attention, attention. TVC Tango Victor Charlie" Big fade just as the op was explaining the three letters.
0350 Back into music
0353 "TVC Tango Victor Charlie" repeated. "Toynbee Vivian Conspiracy Radio" ?
0355 Off

SDR recording catch.
0224 sign on with music, too weak for Shazam to ID, sounded like instrumental rock?
0229 OM talking, repeating Tango Victor Charlie. Additional talk, but difficult to decipher.
0231 More music.
0234 Tango Victor Charlie repeated again. "... conspiracy radio". Toynbee Radio ID, email address, (toynbeeradio@gmail.com). More repeated IDs
0235 Off

Just signed on, YL singing, sounds like the audio is a bit distorted?
Off at 2145? No, back with another song.

No ID yet, but the station has a Northwoods Radio sound to it.
The audio sounds better now.

Other / MARS CW? 6914.5 1437 UTC 24 May 2015
« on: May 24, 2015, 1643 UTC »
CW noted here, with several callsigns beginning with AAA, so I assume MARS.

SDR recording catch, came on with one song, Shazam says "Electric Worry Couch".
Off at 0659.

SDR recording catch, came on at 0426 with a song, but Shazam was not cooperating. About an SIO 333/444.
Off or very deep fade at 0436.

Just tuned in, email address, S7 signal.

Dead Kennedys' California Uber Allies.
S7 signal.

Channel X perhaps?

Just fading in now.

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns