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Messages - ka1iic

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Huh? / Re: Interesting graffiti
« on: January 29, 2016, 1611 UTC »
It was spray painted by that 'cute Lady' and it says;

"meet me on the corner, in just a half an hour... (repeat) etc etc

BBC (English) 6195 KHZ 03:00-04:00 UTC 01/29/2016

Decent copy with moderate fading.

Shortwave Broadcast / 9420 KHZ Helliniki Radiophonia (Greek) 2042 UTC
« on: January 28, 2016, 2045 UTC »
9420   Helliniki Radiophonia in Greek at 2042 UTC 01/28/2016

Good signal S9 with rapid fading

I don't understand Greek but the tunage seems nice to me and something different from the average stuff one might hear on local radio.

yes it is...  that bit sent up a red flag for me but...  I'm paranoid  :P  I have no idea what other people might do so I let it pass.  Who knows what the minds of; "I don't give a damn, I'm going to die anyway", types might do...  When reading stories about these type of people you have to understand they don't think like we do and that is why they are so dangerous.

We are brought up on Logic and they aren't... call what they have learned a form of; scat-a-logical thinking... 

17895 KHZ VOICE OF AMERICA (English) 1648 UTC 01/26/2016

Broadcast to Africa in English.

and their modulation would be so much better... <sigh>

Shortwave Broadcast / 4055Radio Verdad 0328 UTC 01/26/2016
« on: January 26, 2016, 0329 UTC »
4055   Radio Verdad 0328 UTC 01/26/2016

Good signal tonight S6-7 on the vertical

Spanish of course :-)

Don't know about the source but here goes:::

A suspected terrorist plot to bomb British cities was foiled by British spies, The Sun reported.

The RAF intercepted coded messages between pilots flying from Amsterdam to an unnamed Middle-Eastern country. The code, which referenced pop music, was then decoded by British spies at GCHQ, who believe the pilots were trying to smuggle in explosives or chemical weapons. The plotters used the emergency frequency to discuss their plans.

Attacks in London, Bath, Bristol and Ipswich were allegedly planned for last November after the Paris attacks.

A Ministry of Defense spokesman said the government would not comment on issues of national security.

GCHQ is a British intelligence and security organization responsible for providing signals intelligence and information assurance to the British government and armed forces.


Huh? / Re: The number of hits... (*)
« on: January 25, 2016, 1855 UTC »
Fansome has Bots?  where does he keep them?  I keep mine in my underwear drawer

Huh? / Re: The number of hits... (*)
« on: January 23, 2016, 0131 UTC »
But you need to consider those folks that don't reply on the forum...  Right now there are:

98 Guests, 15 Users

Now I know there must be a certain percentage of those 'guests' tuning in...

Just sayin'

You have a great day and a better tomorrow Nella F.   ;D

Huh? / Re: Possible evidence of Planet X detected ........
« on: January 23, 2016, 0125 UTC »
X minus one zero...

X day cometh all hail BOB!!!!!!

General Radio Discussion / Re: Propagation
« on: January 23, 2016, 0120 UTC »
It's a conspiracy.

It's so much worse than that!!!!

bah humbug!!!

But really, trying to predict what the Sun will do is so much 'boohaahaa'...  Much more UN-preditiable than Earth's weather which is only 'predictable'  for a few days ahead...

Not to start a riot here on the board but check out how much the temperature on Mars has increased over the limited time we have had accurate temp records, so are we humans causing 'global warming' on Mars and what is it we are doing to cause it?  Now consider that fact... if Mars temp is increasing and Earth's temp is increasing what do these two planets have in common???  Perhaps the Sun maybe...

The Sun is acting kinda sorta funky when compared to the past data we have in hand...  We just went through a 'solar maximum'...  we did?  Boy it wasn't all that much...  kinda sorta like calling Hallowell Maine a City...  don't wink or you will miss it... (it is a City... yeah really... I'm not joking...)

Really Folks I'm not trying to stir any thing up but we had better consider the Sun in all things that happen here on Earth.  Also we need to consider the theory of 'Chaos' because it IS real.  Chaos... there may not even be an Earth tomorrow and we would never see it coming. Or there could be sunspots all over the Sun and propagation 'should' be great but here on Earth... nothing, just like a sunspot minimum...

We radio people have an edge that most folks don't...  our radios are our 'eyes and ears' in these things.  But what is it we are really seeing and hearing...  I can't tell you because I'm not all that intelligent but someone on this forum just might be the one(s) that can interpret what is going on...

kudos to those that understand...

Yep DSB equipment can be built very easily... I know because I built a unit from the W1FB QRP handbook (crystal controlled) it is a small exciter and it works amazingly well considering the amount of parts and minimum complexity... wait... I mean simple but it works great... even I was surprised!

I did add on a  (near) hi-fi preamp with a 741 op amp as an audio driver to the original design and I get excellent audio... BTW I always use a simple crystal detector to do an 'air check' and run the audio to my M-Audio studio monitors. The audio was better than many local broadcast band stations audio.  The audio source was my el-cheapo $8 mp3 player connected to the 741 op amp  to the exciter.

Add a little carrier you say... not a problem all that needs to be done is to un-tune, slightly, the variable resistor that is used to balance out the carrier... there you go the small amount of carrier to help those folks tune in the station.  done... un-tune it totally and you have an AM transmitter with low level audio modulation, that's how I tested the audio quality with my crystal detector.

I built the DSB exciter in the 'Manhattan style' construction and in modules; 1) the oscillator, 2) the balance modulator stage, 3)  the 741 audio modulator stage.  I always build things in modules so I can exchange newer designs as they might come along.  Makes life more fun and saves in the long run... part wise that is ;-)

Now all it needs is an power RF stage and it is 'on the air'... simple

Anyway... that's the way I done did doood it <heh>


Just happened across this... the 9955khz broadcast from Florida in English is being jammed by Cuba???  I believe this is from the Okeechobee USA station. Standard Christian material NOT propaganda...  time 0215 UTC   

Huh? / Re: Pigmeat! Your transportation issues have been solved!
« on: January 15, 2016, 1713 UTC »
You guys are great did cha know dat???

Getting my mind set for my last very long flight...  to the other side of the world <sigh> or hell which ever comes first...

So this 'Turkey' is a gonna fly...  by aircraft or clown cannon ;-)  maybe even a catapult...  I'll have the group vote on it here when the time comes  ::)

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