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Messages - Rockpicker

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6925.4919875  AM  (  ;D Just Kidding the knob turners.  )
00:10 ut tuned into Yes?  S6 - S8  still awful static but settling down a bit.
00:15 ut Crystal Ship / TCS ID
00:15 ut Asia Heat of the moment
00:18 ut ? I'd walk 500 miles for you?
00:23 ut UNID
00:26 ut Tom Petty Waiting is the hardest part
00:30 ut Crystal ship TCS relay ID
01:17 TCS's Relay Network ID - Into Moody Blues - NICE!
Now mostly S7 - S8, Rare S9 peaks and S6 fades. - Atmospheric discharges are still there but less frequent and annoying now.
01:24 ut TCS email addy
1:26 ut SSTV then Off

Awesome signal and modulation - Thanks for the Show TCS..

North American Shortwave Pirate / BOR 6930 AM 23:17 ut 2-18-13
« on: February 18, 2013, 2337 UTC »
Wow a boat load of static here tonight Noise floor up about 5 db.

23:17  ut Tuned in to very faint music S5 in the noise, S6 faint mod, rare S7 peaks
23:26  ut Got Lucky w/ BOR ID and your distinct ID's really help in tough Rx conditions.
23:27  ut Back into music - female singer - very poor copy
23:36  ut Same conditions as before..
23:41  ut Catching bits of ZZ top Cheap Sunglasses  
Sig up just a bit but the static in getting worse now -
00:00 - 00:41 ut Can still see the carrier but no more modulation / audio
Interesting - Static is fading fast and the Pescadores & digi traffic is showing up now.
01:07 ut Sig back up to S6 - S7 & rare S8 PLaying Bluegrass music
01:09 ut Song change - More real good BG music.
BTW  TCS's USB is mixing w/ your LSB here.
01:28 ut TCS is Off - now your sig is coming through 4,3,3   S6 - S7 but still atmospheric interference.
02:00 Hearing some Zydeco music Sig S5 - S7  digital stream on top of your USB right now
Am I the only one in the US Listening?

North American Shortwave Pirate / WMMR 6950.6 khz AM 4:00z 2-18-13
« on: February 18, 2013, 0419 UTC »
Started recording this around 3:40 ut  Very nice carrier on peaks but rather weak modulation especially when op is talking.

Mostly S5 - S7 w/ rare peaks at S8

4:05 ut can hear the op talking and I know I heard an ID but could only make out the word "radio".

4:08  decent copy on some very old time music - bands w/ no vocals - a few bars of London Bridges falling down or Yankee doodle (not sure - take your pick) near end of this number
4:10 - 4:20 ut several more old time tunes many deep fades back into the noise now - still waiting for a clear ID
4:20 ut  OP talking again - I cannot make out a single word this time - bummer.
4:20 ut  Back into old time big band music.
~4:40 ut off the air - remains UNID for me.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6940 DRM 01:39 18Feb13
« on: February 18, 2013, 0314 UTC »
Nice Catch!

Darn if I did not see this at 6950 but did not recognize it as a DRM sig. Though it might be MARS or someone like that.
I did not know a carrier would show so distinctly in the center of a DRM sig? I'll know better next time.

Thanks for the ID.....

6925 AM mostly S6 - S7 rare S8 peaks - Nice looking/sounding modulation on peaks.
01:18 ut Captain Morgan ID
01:19 ut Twisting the night Away
01:20 - 01:25 ut more MoTown

1:39 ut Steve MIller - Love singing harmony with this one
1:43 ut  Bob Seger "Night Moves"   "Points on her own sit'in way up high" OH yea!
S6 - S7 a few fades down to S5 now

1:52 ut Captian Morgan SW ID - E-mail addy
1:53 ut Parody - "Wasting away in Obamaville"
1:57 ut CMSW ID (Female voice)
1:57 ut Brandy - 2:00 ut sudden audio off - seconds later carrier off???

Hope all is OK CM - Thanks for the very enjoyable show...

6925 USB  S6 - S7
00:51 ut Music UNID
00:56 ut Radio Ga Ga ID - Live from Zipper Lake
00:57 ut Elmer Fudd "She Woved Me Until my wittle hi hi" - Bevis & Butthead
00:59 ut ELO  
01:02 Ga Ga ID - "Thanks for tuning In" then Off Air

Sig held out at S6 - S7

Starting to see a lot of 2 way LSB  (Pescadores?) and digi traffic. 01:07 ut

QSLs Received / Re: WEAK Radio
« on: February 18, 2013, 0038 UTC »
I received the same QSL Number 608 - Thanks Very Much WEAK Radio. Very Nice!

6925 usb  Voice of Kaos

23:54 ut S6 - S7 with theme from "Get Smart"
23:55  ut Voice of Kaos - Sig fading into the noise at S4
23:58 ut back up to S5 - S6  VOK ID - talk about Homeland Suckerity
00:00 ut "Here Come The Sun"
00:02 VOK ID - OP talking  - ~ S5
00:04 ut  faded down into the noise - or gone?
00:06 ut back at about S 4.5 at best can't understand what the OP is saying
--Sig mostly in the noise when OP talking - S4.5 - few S5 peaks during music.
00:17 ut Theme from Get Smart @ S5 then Off Air

6925.2 AM 23:05 ut  fast swings from S5 - S7  decent audio on peaks.
23:02 ut Tuned into Morania Mail Bag?
23:05 ut Playing the Free Morania Empire's Nation Anthem now as I write this.
I'm assuming the Moranian leader is considered the Chief Moron?
23:08 Starting our broadcast day.
Time for Moranian "Ham Shack" Hamming in Morania - creative stuff.
23:15 ut CWY Radio - Teaching CW - HI HI
23:36 ut Off

Thanks for the Show

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 04:45 6925 UTC 02/17/2013
« on: February 17, 2013, 0511 UTC »
UNID 6925 USB S7 - S8  ~3.5 khz wide - (BOR maybe?)
4:55 ut Pirating w/ Cumbre
5:04 ut Off Air

Darn - Missed a short 6925 AM broadcast while I was writing this......

5:14 ut  UNID 6925 AM sig back - S7 nice AM mod - Not sure who is singing this blues tune here but they could be channeling Janis Joplin
5:18 Off after 1 song..  ?

6925 USB  S7 - S8  Demodulating BW set at 4 khz - really nice full bass & treb in the audio.

2:37 - 2:42 ut   Yes ?
2:44 ut  Ziggy
2:46 ut Wolverine Radio ID
2:46 ut  Shining Star  get'n funky now!
3:04 ut Wolverine ID w/ Echo - (End of Show?)
3:06 ut SSTV

3:06 ut Won't You Let It Ride - I wonder - Is this more Wolverine? - Sig appears to be the same to me here. 4 khz wide USB S7 - S8
3:13 ut Joni M don't know this tune
3:15 ut Cinnamon Girl - Neil Y
3:17 ut Wolverine ID
"Constant Craving" then into
3:26 ut  Gordon L,  :)  bumping into S9 now!
After last comment I just cranked it up and enjoyed the show.
Sig held out - down a bit since 4:00 ut to S6 - S7 - rare S8
4:39 ut Wolverine ID w/ Echo
2 sstv IMAGES
4:43 ut "Every Body Knows"
4:49 ut Wolverine ID / Off Air - Fantastic show tonight - Thanks Wolverine....

6950 AM  S4 - some S5 peaks
Can hear / see a bit of modulation on S5 peaks - the rest is static..
23:14 ut I did hear "How Big Are Your Feet?"
23:19 cartoon like chicken sound
23:21 Off Air or faded from my view...?

6925 USB  Not so weak - S6 - S8 good audio
00:25 tuned into unid music
00:28 WEAK RAdio ID
High IQ - $300 PO Box 51 NY
Back into UNID Music
00:31 ut   - Sandwich ad WEAK ID

23:17 ut  Rave on Radio is mostly in the noise out here on the Prairie.
Just a bit of modulation and faint audio on sig peaks of S4.5 - S5 now that BOR is off air ( 6930 AM)
No way I could ID this myself without help from HFU

North American Shortwave Pirate / BOR 6930 AM 22:42 utc 1-15-13
« on: February 15, 2013, 2248 UTC »
6930 AM  S5 - S7 constant fading in and out

22:42 ut tuned into J Lang "Lie to Me
22:45 ut  BOR ID - New one I have not heard
Back into Johnny Lang - Love it...
22:53 ut  Op talking - lots of fades into the noise ~ S 4.5 could hear a shout out to myself & RTN THANKS!
22:55 ut  More Johnny Lang - Sig came up some while talking and into this song  
Mostly S6 - S7 with fantastic audio on peaks - still some fades down into the noise - fades are slowing down now.
23:12 ut BOR ID into Lighthouse Song"
23:15 ut BOR Outro - Theme from 2001 SO
23:17 ut Audio Off - Carrier off about 50 sec later.

Thanks for the Johnny Lang Show BOR....

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