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Messages - Rockpicker

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6925 AM
23:35 utc Tuned in to "Simply Irresistible"  S6 - S7 here in Montana Fast, or "Choppy Fades" is a good descriptions of what I'm hearing
Nice wide modulation on the DDC.  Lots of Hiss  but my old ears can copy ~75% of op talk.
I'm recording this in case it gets even better. 1st time I've caught Ronin's broadcast - cooooool.
23:42 utc Radio Ronin station ID - E-mail, HFU etc posting, prefer snail mail addy for QSL's
23:42 utc Eagles "Hotel California"
23:49 utc "Spooky" - not sure who's performing it. then CSNY
23:56 utc Mark Knopfler  - don't know this tune  few S7 peaks, mostly S5 - S6
00:03 Radio Roni Shortwave ID then right into-
00:30 Doors, followed by music by?  I know that voice but can't place it now.
Could hear OP talk at end but could not make it out
Off Air ~00:20 utc - Came back on briefly - heard "Radio Ronin" and the word "always?" - tough copy.

I can just barely see the carrier.  @ 6924.2 khz
Liquid Radio's signal is up a bit -and I get a Hetrodyne when 6924.2 pops up above the noise.

I have been having a difficult time receiving Pirate sig's from the East the past few days and nights.

Propagation seems to be favoring roughly North South the past few days and especially nights.

Today and yesterday during the day Fort Collins has been strong on all bands - South of me.
MW at night has been loaded with strong sig's both from the North and South - such as 1700 khz XEPE Teccate Baja & 540 khz CBK SK CA.

Propagation is a strange mistress indeed.

6925.3 khz  AM some peaks to S6.6 over S5 noise
21:00 utc
I can see the carrier fade in and out on the DDC.
Just a bit of modulation on peaks with a few seconds of faint audio.

Still the same as before at 22:20 utc

13875 khz USB  S7 over S5 noise - good audio

21:41 utc  Roy Orbison
Shout out to HFU members
21:57 utc Santana
22:12 utc BOR
22:16 utc Outro - 2001 Space Oddessy
22:17 utc OP - Test Transmission - Send Signal Report to E-mail - for QSL
22:18 OFF Air
S6 - S7 for most of transmission - relatively stable as well
Noise floor (local QRM) went down about 1 S unit during transmission - not sure why?
Thanks BOR

6925 am
I could see the carrier come and go and a splatter of modulation on a few peaks.
Was able to hear a little base on peaks when playing music.
Carrier off at 4:26 utc

I have been listening to this since 4:12 utc
~S5 max - can see some AM modulation and
I can hear the bass and some faint op talk.
4:23 Even though the audio is nearly non existent at times
I can now recognize Dr Benway's voice, telling the story about the flashback.
4:27 utc - now just a faint  carrier again..
4:27 - 5:10 utc - signal never got any better than S6 - audio was faint at best.
Sign Off the Air at 5:10 utc

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6930AM *0131-0140* 29Dec12
« on: December 29, 2012, 0317 UTC »
I was recording spectrum tonight and have this signal at ~S7.
Here is what I can hear the Op say at the end.

" OK, All Right, That was um, ah, AC, F--kin ACDC, and, Ah,
This is, You Ah, You disgust me, Your (words or worlds) "

Then 3 words or syllables I can't make out but the last one may be "Feet" or "Peak" or "ek" then "radio, Ah, F--k it"
then off the air...

After listening very carefully many times it sounds something like "Beneath My Peat Radio" Makes no sense. ???
I looked over several compiled lists of known pirate radio station names and cannot find anything that even come close to rhyming.

One more thing. The freq started out at 6930.1 then slowly drifted down to 6930
like the Tx was started cold and warming up as the song played.

I started hearing Slow 5 WPM CW signal about 00:10 hrs
It is Puzzzle Radio's CW signal combined with the lower
band of RTN's AM sig & radio Ga Ga's USB sig.

Propagation Happen's I guess - Famine to Feast in seconds flat around here....

This must be the hetro I've picked up recently on the lower edge of RTN's AM sig?

Tuned in at 22:45 utc  6934.9 AM
S5 - S 7 at first
Playing music that Coast to Coast uses for intro

23:00  first RTN ID I heard - Send sig reports to (gave email addy)
23:09  RTN Station ID & E-mail
22:22 Sig now increasing to S7 - S9 - excellent modulation.

MY northern neighbors are really keeping me busy tonight.
I have RTN playing rock -I like rock music, Now BOR is playing Blues  I like the Blues.
What a poor boy to do?
OK I'll just record both of them to enjoy later...BIG GRIN
I love this modern technology!

RTN I now your signal tuned in on my Satillit 750 in the bathroom with just the whip antenna -and I have a steel roof! WOW
Is this the BIG Johnson I'm listening to?

Tuned in at 21:25 utc  steady S5 to S6 in Montana

2:28 utc  BOR ID
Into Bluegrass music
21:28 utc - 21:48 utc 100% toe tapping Bluegrass
21:28 utc BOR ID's - you are now bumping S7 here in Montana J.O.

Signal stayed strong in Montana through the entire broadcast -
second half of broadcast was averaging S7 - some peaks to S9
Off Air @ 1:40 utc

Great Show BOR - Thanks

2:44 utc first hearing Jingle Bells  S3.5 - S6

2:45 utc  OP talk - recored mix of speech
Email addy krackerradi0 at ? gmail .com??
Radio Jambe International ID
"Oh Hell Ya We're back"
Repeated "We are not the BBS I'm not kidding Not a Relay"
2:28 utc Radio Jamba International
2:51 - 2:53 utc OP talk like Silly Arguments, Trash Talk, Silly Logic, Low quality of thinking.
then X rated versions of Christmas songs - Hard to copy at S3-4 good and clear at S5- 6
Still decent signal in Montana
3:20 utc  Radio JAMBA ID  S3 TO S6
Almost non stop Christmas song parody's - I did not know so many existed!
3:40 utc  Signal up to S5 - S7 now
4:04 utc  con't S5 - S7  South park - Eric Sings O Holy Night - Kyle w/ cattle prod when Eric forgets word.
Mr Hanky? singing??
4:18 utc  Cheech & Chong bit - big signal fade down to S3 - S5
4:29 - 4:32 Joy to the World, Frosty the Snowman, Jingle Bells (with a monkey on your back) parody's  S3 - S5
4:36 OH Holy Night -  electric guitar version then SIGNED OFF....

Want some cheese with that....KRACKER?

Thank you. for the most interesting show!

Interesting - Not a peep here in Montana - except for a major breakout of OTHR right on BOR's sign off.

Tuned into 6930 USB at 1:00utc
Very faint at first but could hear the blues - good bass coming through.
I loose him under S4.5 into the noise at times, peaks at S6.
1:07 - 1:09 utc Multiple BOR ID's - Nice when the signal is low.
1:09 uts Blue grass signal slightly improving w/ some peaks to S7
1:11 utc  Shout out to HFU members , over the music.
1:14  S Crow louder now S7 - S8
1:17 utc signal back down into the noise at S 4.5
1:21  BOR ID @ S8 again.
1:22 utc  "I'll Fly Away"  S units all over the place  S4.5 - S7.
1:35 utc  I noticed the band was quiet except for 6910-6950 -
went QRM hunting and found the culprit - my wife's little ultrasonic humidifier.
Sorry babe - You will have to put a pot on to boil.....DXing is more important!
Now S7 and sounding very good...just in time for Outro and a bit of chat about a leaking heating oil tank..
Always good to hear your shows BOR - Thanks

6933.02khz  CW  about 5 WPM  S6 - S8 here in Montana  

I noticed this signal back when BOR was ending his broadcast. I'll look again later at tonight's
 spectrum recording to see exactly when it started.

(After checking the spectrum recording I see this signal began at ~00:23 utc)

I just decoded a little - the old fashioned way and got

Year Find Your Treasure WIthin. - - - - KPZLKPZLKPZL PZLE RADIO

Still repeating at 3:50 utc

Anybody else seeing this?

Fade out or off the air at ~ 04:40 utc

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