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Messages - Sealord

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In & out of the noise here

6950 USB

Signal in & out of the noise currently, but slowly improving.

20:45z RFW ID
20:55z ID
21:27z "..whatever!.." noise has dropped down & signal is in the clear now

Had to shut down everything due to thunderstorms, but thanks for the show DJ Dickweed!

6920 LSB

Booming signal & audio here...sounded like they were doing some testing during broadcast with both power levels & audio settings.  Should have requested some Beefeater.

An ID Radio 6920 LSB 0327z-0428z 12-02-23
An ID Radio 6920 LSB 0433z-0506z 12-02-23

Thanks for the show!

WAVE 6955 USB 2336z-0056z 12-01_02-23

Thanks for the show WAVE!

6911 USB

Staying above the noise so far.

22:29z unknown tune

Also have this in AM 6924.96

Couldn't decode the SSTV in AM, switched to sideband and caught part of it:

22:35z Locomotive Radio ID

6979.96 AM

22:57z mentioned guitarist Geordie Walker (thnx Skipmuck) who died 11-27-23



KDOG 6950 USB 0227z-0240z 11-27-23

Only caught the last ~14mins., but thanks for cool blues tunes KDOG!

Other / Re: UA vs RU Radio War 7102/7096 LSB 0342 UTC 23 NOV
« on: November 25, 2023, 2142 UTC »
      You recognized correctly, the stronger side are the Ukrainians.
They curse and mock Russians. They speak Russian so that the enemy understands them.
These are repeat recordings on all the channels you find. It is common that they usually transmit 7050 to 7060 LSB, but as you can see, not only that.
 Radio RURIK still silent,- I hope that owner Stanislav is alive, only doing more important work!!!
Also check the FB 10450-10460 USB band. There are usually stations from the north of Russia and there is less politics.

Thanks kris!

15170 USB

Booming signal & audio

19:28z ID
19:34z off mid song; testing maybe?

Radio 48_MRI 15170 USB 1925z-1934z 11-25-23

12170 USB

Coming in loud & clear

21:45z "..you are listening to Radio 48 on Mix Radio International.."

Thanks R48 & MRI!

6950 USB

Good signal & audio here.

02:51z unknown rockin tune w/someone using a theremin - very cool!
03:30z Two Dog ID & off

Two Dog Radio 6950 USB 0243z-0330z 11-25-23

Thanks Two Dog!

Other / UA vs RU Radio War 7102/7096 LSB 0342 UTC 23 NOV
« on: November 23, 2023, 1548 UTC »
7102/7096 LSB

Not sure which side this is from, but could tell it was part of the ongoing radio war/broadcasts.  Caught 7102 first & then tx moved to 7096 with good signal strength.

UNID UA/RU 7102 LSB 0342z-0347z 11-23-23
UNID UA/RU 7096 LSB 0349z-0400z 11-23-23
UNID UA/RU 7096 LSB 0401z-0409z 11-23-23

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