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Messages - KM0NAS

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HF Mystery Signals / Re: Channel Marker on 14.317?
« on: January 24, 2021, 1733 UTC »
Beacon signal is back on right now.
Same frequency
17:32 UTC. Sunday January 24.


Signal is audible behind a Parks on the Air activation

i tried to get a location for the signal and was able to hear it on several SDRs loudly in Canada.
It was audible on VE6ARS and VE6JY. I was able to faintly hear it on the Kiwi SDR in Minneapolis but aside from those three I was unable to hear it in the dozen others I tried around the country and around the world. As I noted, VERY loud in Calgary.

Signal was first drown out by QRM as I tried to find a third station for DToA but seems to have stopped before 17:57 UTC.

I was able to generate this heat map with two stations but take it with a HUGE grain of salt. There was QRM.

Here is a screen capture from one of the Calgary SDRs.

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Channel Marker on 14.317?
« on: January 21, 2021, 2219 UTC »
No, this was back in November. I could hear it for about 30 minutes and then it faded out.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Beacon KAH
« on: December 11, 2020, 1706 UTC »
I decided to listed today having not scanned the 22 meter band for a while. I got very nice copy of the beacon KAH out of Ontario. That is 1000km from my QTM in MN.
I made a recording. You can hear the beacon under the CODAR.


The beacon was on 13565.88 instead of the listed 13566.06

Beacons WAS and ODX were briefly heard as well.

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Channel Marker on 14.317?
« on: November 14, 2020, 0001 UTC »
Sorry, I had video marked as private. Fixed now. 

HF Mystery Signals / Channel Marker on 14.317?
« on: November 13, 2020, 2019 UTC »
Any else hearing a repeated beeping on 14.317 mhz?

I am hearing it at 20:18 UTC. (Update: started to fade about 20:50 and by 20:51 UTC was no longer audible or had stopped)

Sounds a bit like a channel marker? Not familiar with any that would be on this frequency.

Just a repeating tone over and over. About 1 sec on 1 sec off. Seems to repeat every minute. There is a slight pause once per minute. 37 pips per min.


22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: 22m Beacons 04 May 2020
« on: May 06, 2020, 1451 UTC »
Glad to hear someone heard MN. It has been a little while. The current orientation of the antenna favors the Carolinas and Georgia. That seems to be where most reports come from.

I do wonder how effective it real is though. If you watch the video I posted I commended on how the signal was right on top of the link 11 signal. There didn't appear to be any attempt to switch the link 11 to another frequency due to interference. So while it has been appearing on those frequencies I haven't seen any effort to avoid the jamming which may indicate it is not effective. Then again...do you purposefully not move when someone is trying to jam to to make it look like it has no effect and thus you make them give up trying because they see you didn't flinch? Who knows. Not us.

Lol, I also put up a new video on this one last night. Gave you credit for finding it of course and put a link to your initial video in the description.


I'm case anyone is curious I found out the reason for the multiple layers of fencing around the buildings in the photo I posted. The site is part of the Korofskiy Nuclear Storage Facility aka Khabarovsk-47. Not a place you want people casually walking into. These buildings were far away from the main buildings and likely contain some pretty nasty materials. Unrelated to the signal being discussed but interesting.

I ran TDoA on the signal last night and agree that it is coming from the Khabarovsk area. The Russian Navy transmitter site RAB99 is within the heat map of the signal and seems the most likely transmitter site to me.

Since my best heat map showed more of a bullseye on the Bolshekhekhtsirsky Reserve though just to the East though I decided to check it out on Google maps just to see if there was an obvious transmitter site I was missing.

There is a standard microwave radio tower in the middle of the park (likely on a high spot) and something else caught my eye (unrelated to the signal). There are two sites with similar buildings and fencing. They seem excessively heavily guarded. Each site has a series of four closely spaces gated fences and then a fifth perimeter fence around that. This seems excessive for a simple mining operation. My first assumption was an ICBM site but it does not appear to be listed as one online in this area. I wondered if they could just be underground mine entrances but then I would expect large tailings piles.  Any thoughts?

I'm starting to suspect they have a tap on my computer and purposefully don't transmit on days that I am available to listen. I should be sure to post my listening plans here to save you all the trouble of knowing which days to not bother trying.  :)

Okay I take it back. I am listening and signal is on now.

Shoot. I must have missed it. I checked into the Khabarovsk SDR, probably around 3:10 UTC and it wasn't there. Must have come on just after I logged off.

I tuned into the Khabarovsk SDR last night as I had to be up late doing some work. I checked in numerous times over the course of several hours starting around 0220 UTC but there did not appear to be any sign of the signal.

Thanks for your thoughts and for finding this signal.

So looking at all the posts it looks like you heard it Monday-Thursday April 6-8
(was it on Friday too and you weren't looking for it or was it actually absent?)
Time appeared to be approx. 0220-0600 each day.

I will be watching/listening tonight!

That's some great information Token and good deductive reasoning. The big questions that remain in my mind are of course, why these odd transmissions and why this particular mode?

Are there any advantages to a DSB signal other than not taking as much power as AM?

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