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Messages - boxcarro

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Group W Bench / Re:
« on: February 03, 2021, 2330 UTC »
Franklin D. Roosevelt aided and abetted in the Holocaust and was a Holocaust Denier until his Death.
@ChrisSmolinski “You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist”
[Joe Biden 2007]
#Zionism was and still is a Movement Against Genocidal Mass Murder of Jewish People, a 'Safe Home" for the Jewish Diaspora that lasted 2000 Years, now you sick jew haters, bigots, Nazi sympathizers change the Meaning of Zionism and you are LIARS- Zionism was a movement to find Safety after Roosevelt Denied the Holocaust and gave Hitler 4 Years to Exterminate to kill as many Jews as possible. Franklin D. Roosevelt aided and abetted in the Holocaust and was a Holocaust Denier until his Death.Ward Churchill has achieved an unparalleled reputation as a scholar-activist and analyst of indigenous issues in North America. Here, he explores the history of holocaust and denial in this hemisphere, beginning with the arrival of Columbus and continuing on into the present.

He frames the matter by examining both "revisionist" denial of the nazi-perpatrated Holocaust and the opposing claim of its exclusive "uniqueness," using the full scope of what happened in Europe as a backdrop against which to demonstrate that genocide is precisely what has been-and still is-carried out against the American Indians.

Churchill lays bare the means by which many of these realities have remained hidden, how public understanding of this most monstrous of crimes has been subverted not only by its perpetrators and their beneficiaries but by the institutions and individuals who perceive advantages in the confusion. In particular, he outlines the reasons underlying the United States's 40-year refusal to ratify the Genocide Convention, as well as the implications of the attempt to exempt itself from compliance when it finally offered its "endorsement."

In conclusion, Churchill proposes a more adequate and coherent definition of the crime as a basis for identifying, punishing, and preventing genocidal practices, wherever and whenever they occur.

"Ward Churchill opens the X-Files of American history to examine the phenomenon of genocide in eight essays. . ." —Susan A. Miller, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

"Churchill relates the history of genocide and the struggle for a definition of the term sufficiently accurate and comprehensive, to prevent the watering down of the concept, and to cut through the misleading rhetoric which now obfuscates debate, thereby permitting this and other genocides to continue. . ." —A. Clare Brandabur, Purdue University

"Churchill paints the whole picture here – from Columbus onwards, the major and significant struggles between an ignorant but brutal Conquistadores and the all-too-vulnerable American Tribes are analysed in a context of deliberate genocide. In terms of effectiveness, it surpasses the holocaust delivered upon European Jewry by the Nazi's." —Schnews.org.uk

Ward Churchill (enrolled Keetoowah Cherokee) is Professor of American Indian Studies with the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado-Boulder. A member of the American Indian Movement since 1972, he has been a leader of the Colorado chapter for the past fifteen years. Among his previous books have been Fantasies of a Master Race, Struggle for the Land, Since Predator Came, and From a Native Son.

Group W Bench / Re: Brother Stair off the air?
« on: February 03, 2021, 2325 UTC »
Maybe he's going back to prison?  Harvey J. Kay is a corporate troll. He called Howard Zinn a propaganda peddler. He is a LIAR and a MOUTHPIECE OF CAPITALISM and BAD FAITH ACTOR!. What genre is a People's History of the United States? Zinn's main purpose for writing A People's History of the United States was to present the history from the point of view of the common people rather than from the point of view of historians or politicians. What does Zinn argue is the sacrifice of human progress? What, does Zinn argue, is the sacrifice of human progress? The sacrifice of human progress is, if there are necessary sacrifices to be made for human progress, is it is not essential to hold the principle that those to be sacrificed must make the decision themselves. What, ? The is, if there are necessary to be made for , is it is not essential to hold the principle that those to be must make the decision themselves.

Brother Stair is on the Radio Feb. 3, 2021, All the lying female
Bitches have been found Liars. The old man never 'molestated" no womwns at all, Womens always Lies.

Brother Stair is a REAL PREACHER- if you don't not like Brother Staie..YOU WILL BURN IN HELL.
Just might be the end of an era. It used to be Radio Havana, Gene Scott, and Brother Stair were as dependable on SW as the sun rising tomorrow.
Brother Stair has survived another Female Satan Womens fake liay attackk of THE PROPHET of God. Harvey J. Kay is a corporate troll. He called Howard Zinn a propaganda peddler. He is a LIAR and a MOUTHPIECE OF CAPITALISM and BAD FAITH ACTOR!. What genre is a People's History of the United States? Zinn's main purpose for writing A People's History of the United States was to present the history from the point of view of the common people rather than from the point of view of historians or politicians. What does Zinn argue is the sacrifice of human progress? What, does Zinn argue, is the sacrifice of human progress? The sacrifice of human progress is, if there are necessary sacrifices to be made for human progress, is it is not essential to hold the principle that those to be sacrificed must make the decision themselves. What, ? The is, if there are necessary to be made for , is it is not essential to hold the principle that those to be must make the decision themselves.

I was a big fan of ol' Gene, his ice-cream man suits, his white-boards and his pony-girls on TV. I worked at a bar in those days. When I got home on weekends, by the time I ate and rolled one up, there he was in all his glory to enjoy a smoke with.

If it was Sunday morning, Ernest Angely and his toupe' that never moved as he hopped around, followed Gene. Talk about a two-fer of jackleg preachers! Can you say "Bay-Bee!"?

I think Ernest is still alive? He was when checked awhile back, but he's close to or over 90. You never know with folks in that age range.
As far as the "archives" go - there's gotta be what, 30-40 years worth of Brother Stair ramblings to choose from?
Harvey J. Kay is a corporate troll. He called Howard Zinn a propaganda peddler. He is a LIAR and a MOUTHPIECE OF CAPITALISM and BAD FAITH ACTOR!. What genre is a People's History of the United States? Zinn's main purpose for writing A People's History of the United States was to present the history from the point of view of the common people rather than from the point of view of historians or politicians. What does Zinn argue is the sacrifice of human progress? What, does Zinn argue, is the sacrifice of human progress? The sacrifice of human progress is, if there are necessary sacrifices to be made for human progress, is it is not essential to hold the principle that those to be sacrificed must make the decision themselves. What, ? The is, if there are necessary to be made for , is it is not essential to hold the principle that those to be must make the decision themselves.

Great Story, Gotta add mine. in the 1963 I was in Junior High & smitten by a Popular communications "DIY" Article "Build a Home Brew 160 Meters Xmtr" and Built it, Had to also build a RF Signal Generator (Dad Bought me EICO Kit) (It was AM transformer) And finally got a Xtal from Oklahoma City, plopped my Radio on 1590 KCs, 10 Watts AM, I also had the Knight Kit Phono Oscillator, I could Turn Off Neighbours AM Radios listening to KAAY 1090 in Little Rock from a 1/2 Mile across the Cotton Fields around my house, then when they knew it was "Bernay" the 4 foot Handgrenade, They didn't Stomp me...I was the Hot Licks Guitar Kid in Saline County, Arkansas!
The off side was, whenever the local Sheriff or City Police had any Problem with their (35 MHz) Radios, I Was First Person Called, in case I was doing Mad Science on River Street! I was 14 Years Old. Had all kinds of Wires in the Elm Trees and Tall Oak Trees around the Home.

I Had read about a Pirate Radio Man who could not get Local Radio Stations to give him Air Time, in Pop'comm. He built his own Radio Station, got busted. He had written a book "Mytheology" I think he was in Ohio.

 I became a Hater of Television when JFK was shot, I was watching on TV, and started building Knight Kit SW Radios, and became certain that "Television Was Why Johnny K Was Killed" I figured Nixon Lost because JFK looked Better on TV" therefore: Television was 666 Image of Beast!

Sounds Crazy for a 14-15 Year Old Kid.....well, it was. I am 66 Years old NOW & I know I Was Correct, in a Twisted Way, after my Family took me to Uncle Edward L. Bernays Furneal (He died at 103 Years) I study a little about Freud & My Uncle, & My Grandmother Was a Administrator of Recrational Therapy at VA Hospitals & State Mental Hospitals, so I grew up a Book Worm & Offish Kid, only 1/2 Jewish (Wrong Half) I had no Connection, no Bar Mitzvah  , raised Epicopal, I Felt More Akin to the Voices on Short Waves, fom Far Wawy Places.....HCJB Quito Equidor, I Write Them for QSL.....put KITO, EQUIDOR on Enveloupe...LOL. I got QSL back anyway! I love radio, short wave radio. I have a 10 Meter Station (HTX100, Astron Power Supply, MFJ 931 Grounder, 1/4 Diaploe, but my Senior Apartemet is Inside Window into Well, All Building is Full of RF and Alumin Sidinf, I cannot even get 11 Meter RECEPTION, or AM BC Rception in my Aparment.

Why am I wriying all this? What is this FOERUM?

Of, LuLu Style 10 W Carrier AM Xmtr! Yeah...

I guess I am Oft Off Topic....(A PUN there!) My Old Brain is Lame....) Maybe Insane, Poets Often Speak in Thyime
Drunk of Wine, when Clocks Have No Time, DX is FINE! 73 de W5AWG
I've been building my own transmitters since 1980.
1980's era radio scanner to operate as a wideband transmitter.
everything that receives, transmits, albeit extremely low emissions without modifications though.
the best was when I was 13 on a school bus trip and the kid in the seat to my left was listening to the FM radio on his walkman, I took out my "modified" walkman and tuned around slowly until I heard his cut off (he had it loud on his headphones), I need not tell you that when I told him I was doing it, he got extremely mad, yelling like a child and tried valiantly to get the bus attendant to stop me but hey, I just have a walkman and I'm listening to the radio  ;D

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