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Messages - manfred

Pages: [1] 2 3
Ok , thanks.

Hello ! Can you tell me  , if the RCMP  is using shortwave radios ? 

Utility / Re: RU Mil 6481 USB 0911 UTC 28 Apr 2023
« on: April 28, 2023, 1803 UTC »
Hi Kris ! I  just  tried to  listen on  this frequency , but exactly  on 6.481 khz is an interference signal :(  .

Utility / Re: RU Mil Net 6910 USB 1200 UTC 19 Apr 2023
« on: April 19, 2023, 1804 UTC »
Maybe there is activity only at specific times ? ( like  on 8.847 , at 7pm / 1 am ,  every 6 hrs ,  ), we`ll see . I keep monitoring  this frequency !

Utility / Re: RU Mil Net 6910 USB 1200 UTC 19 Apr 2023
« on: April 19, 2023, 1619 UTC »
Hi Kris ! i will check this frequency , maybe i hear something ! 

Utility / Re: 12513 KHz USB??
« on: March 22, 2023, 0910 UTC »
Do you think  it could be something  military ? I`ll  try  out to catch something  , but  there a lots of broadcasting stations  , so it will be a little bit  difficult .

There is lots of  activity  between  26.965  and 27.405  FM  , in my aerea  ( NRW, ruhrgebiet  )  there  always  so called `round-tables `in the evening , mostly on 27.355 .
VY 73 !

Utility / Re: SHANNON VOLMET 8957 USB 2258 UTC 11 MAY 2021
« on: January 12, 2023, 1526 UTC »
You can also try to catch  Iceland Radio on 8.891  USB with a bit of luck , its not very active but its worth a Try !^^ , vy 73 !

Utility / Re: 6.655.0 Unknown @ 0712 utc
« on: December 06, 2022, 1005 UTC »
Hello ! Maybe pirats ? I know there`re  lots of pirat stations on the 45m Band  between  6.600 and 6.700 Khz .

Utility / Re: 5,620 usb unknown voice comms.
« on: November 27, 2022, 0932 UTC »
Moin !^^ I suppose it could be a ATC  station  , they`re not always  tranamitting in english . I`ll listening  out on that Frequency .

Other / Re: O-O-O Morse beacon 5345 Khz CW 1640 UTC 26 Nov 2022
« on: November 26, 2022, 1941 UTC »
Hi ! I heard the same signal ( 5.344 Khz ) ` OOO ` , i`ve no Idea  where it comes from  or if its a kind of  a beacon . ( Amateur radio band starts at 5.351 Khz )

You can also try  on 8.906 Khz ,  and  3 Khz down  there is an asian   Aero Stn.  .

Utility / Re: Unknown on 6.988.50
« on: November 13, 2022, 0903 UTC »
Hello  to NE Wisconsin ! I will listening  out on that Frequency , maybe i hear something  !^^  I`m using the JRC NRD 525 ,  but only indoor antennas , vy 73`s !

Utility / Re: 6.628 usb Santa Maria fighting the noise.
« on: October 15, 2022, 0949 UTC »
You can also try  on  8.906 usb , it`s sometimes  a better signal , but it depends  of your location and conditions of course .

Utility / Re: RU Mil network 6240 USB 2328 UTC 02 Jun 2022
« on: June 09, 2022, 1026 UTC »
Hi Kris ! Yesterday i received sometthing  on 11.324 Mhz ,  it sounded very russian to me , do you know if the russian army or russian airforce is using this frequeny ? 

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