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Topics - Magnitic

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
UNID - Stardust 90s song - dance tunes - S8

edit by Ray : ID from several logs

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID 1730 AM 2019 UTC 13 DEC 2023
« on: December 13, 2023, 2021 UTC »
accordion music with singing, weak/noise, could be Greek ?

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID 1720 AM 2235 UTC 23 NOV 2023
« on: November 23, 2023, 2239 UTC »
Music and speech but unable to make out language and any IDs

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID 1705 AM 1835 UTC 23 Nov 2023
« on: November 23, 2023, 1838 UTC »
Indistinct music playing on 1705

ID, DJ giving info WMR Scotland.com and about to sign offS9

just a carrier - no audio.

edit by Ray : ID from the reply below

ZZ Top - Gimme all your lovin' - S7 bit noisey - waiting for clear ID

music in the noise, no IDs so far

Music - "Rubber Ball" - S8+16db

now on 6230 ID verified.

Whitney Houston - Saving all my love for you

Noisey, S7 at best

UNID music with whistling - S7

Rock music - S8 co-channel interference with Blue Moon Radio on 6206.5

edit by Ray :
from UNID to King Shortwave (several reports)

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (NL) 1655 AM 2055 UTC 25 Nov 2022
« on: November 25, 2022, 2059 UTC »
Roy Orbison "Its Over" - S9-10 - some talking in Dutch

European MW Pirate Radio / UNID 1690 AM 1648 UTC 31 OCT 2022
« on: October 31, 2022, 1649 UTC »
UNID (possible Dutch pirate?) - non english song - S6-7

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground House Flag
by MitchellTimeDesigns