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Topics - swl22

Pages: [1]
General Radio Discussion / Priyom.org website down
« on: September 18, 2024, 1316 UTC »
I've noticed that priyom.org website is down again this morning. It was down during the day yesterday as well.

HF Mystery Signals / Two Tone Beeps
« on: July 01, 2023, 2201 UTC »
Hearing two tone beeps on 9804 khz USB at 2150 hours. Plays for 30 seconds followed by 10 seconds on silence. Then repeats.

I am hearing an unknown language on both of these frequencies at the same moment. No IDs. I have looked it up on Google, EiBiSpace, etc. I can find nothing definite. It started today at 1945 UTC. I am hearing it on a SDR via KiwiSDR out of Ireland, emeraldsdr. I heard it last night as well. It just stopped at 2015 UTC. Sounds like it may be a weather broadcast, based on the way the message sounds. I heard it last night on my PL680 with an long wire, but can't hear it today except on the SDR.

The only reason I chose the Ireland SDR is because it is a good one to listen to Europe and east of there. I will try others when I hear it again.

Any ideas?  Thank you.

Utility / UNID Station on 5147 at 204 UTC
« on: April 01, 2022, 0206 UTC »
Sounds like slow CW, although a readable pattern could not be made. Any ideas? Some lists show beacons and some spy number stations.

Spy Numbers / UNID station 13460 at 1639 UTC
« on: March 01, 2022, 1641 UTC »
Computer voice possibly female announcing "delta" over and over again. 25 x repeating.

North American Shortwave Pirate / WBCQ 4790 AM 0208 UTC 13 Feb 2022
« on: February 13, 2022, 0210 UTC »
Playing heavy metal, weak signal to west Florida. Could not get identification. Anyone else got this?

Playing music, mainly weird sounding guitar.

Spy Numbers / Cuban spy numbers
« on: January 30, 2022, 1709 UTC »
Very active today on 11435 and 11530 at 1645-1710, with some noises in between strings. Probably a digital type marker,

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