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Topics - ENG075

Pages: [1]
Have you a web site that you put your recieved sstv pictures on, CB/11mtr ????????
have you a web site with FTP access???, and want to run An SSTV Cam/wall??

Visit eng075.com  - my web site has many last pic Rx, from many locations, Ideal to check where your SSTV is going.
on site help for SSTV start up, with online SDR stations
hhelp on setting up an SSTV wall, or Cam, with templates for your site..

We need more UK 11mtr SSTV Stations
especially local to Norfolk, Uk
FM o r SSB

Pages: [1]
HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns