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Topics - weatherall

Pages: [1]
2017-07-30 1925-2001UTC. Received on UTwente WebSDR at 6310 kHz (carrier appears at 6310.06kHz in the waterfall). Male DJ with mild British accent introducing his muslc selections, also referenced the Daily Star newspaper (a name which is used in multiple locales).

Soundgarden reference, "limbo dancer on a bicycle", John Cale "In a Flood", "there's a Caribbean vortex headed this way": says so on the front page of the Daily Star, unid punk song

SIO 534 (lots of wideband static on the receiver, possible antenna problem due to recent electrical storms -- no interference on this frequency or adjacents).

ID and QSL would be welcome!

Spy Numbers / S28/UVB-76 on 6998 kHz USB
« on: October 21, 2015, 0033 UTC »
I'm hearing S28 / UVB-76 on 6998 kHz USB using the UTwente WebSDR, S7.

21 Oct 2015 @ 0030 UTC

Other / some Firedrake logs, aug 2012, san francisco
« on: August 25, 2012, 1159 UTC »
Found with manual scanning of approx 7 - 16 MHz. Eton E5 + random wire antenna.

0710 UTC: 11900 kHz: weak with moderate fading. Didn't hear it when rechecked at 0731 UTC.
0740 UTC: 13430 kHz: very weak.

1149 UTC: 14870 kHz: very weak, almost inaudible among the noise.

1117 UTC: 12320 kHz: very strong.
1118 UTC: 12670 kHz: weak.

Other / Unid pulsing sound 12100-12200 kHz
« on: October 25, 2011, 2237 UTC »
Does someone know what this is?


Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Havana Cuba regularly off by ~ 15 minutes
« on: October 06, 2011, 0504 UTC »
Radio Havana Cuba's English language broadcasts in the 0500-0700 UTC timeframe have been off by about 15 minutes.  Tonight I tuned in just before 0500 UTC on 6010 kHz, and heard the broadcast switch from Spanish to English.  But they were midway into the broadcast already.  Usually there's a recognizable bit of music, the headlines, and the news in detail.  Tonight (06 Oct 2011) the broadcast almost immediately went into a commentary segment about the Cuban Five (a popular topic on this station).  I logged this same issue several times in September.

MW Loggings / 1650 KFOX - low power in Torrance, CA
« on: September 28, 2011, 0623 UTC »
1650 KFOX (Torrance, CA)

fcc.gov lists 10kW daytime power, 490w nighttime power, and my reception was around 10pm pacific daylight time (local time) on Sep 26 2011.  Eton E5 indoors in San Francisco, CA; ~ 350 miles.

Shortwave Broadcast / firedrake wiki page
« on: September 25, 2011, 2139 UTC »
There's a Firedrake page on the HFU wiki: http://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/Firedrake

We could add external links here, links to recordings, and perhaps frequencies that we log.

Spy Numbers / V02a on 5883 kHz, 12 Sep 2011
« on: September 16, 2011, 0543 UTC »
12 Sep 2011, 5883 kHz, Spanish numbers station.  Eton E5, located in San Francisco.  Given the frequency and the day, it looks like it would've been around 0700 UTC.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rMKNi1byIg (1m49s)

Shortwave Broadcast / finding firedrake transmitter(s)
« on: September 17, 2009, 2000 UTC »
Part of my fascination with China includes a fascination with the firedrake/firedragon jammer.  It's not enough for me to know that the audio for these broadcasts come from China National Radio satellite feeds (as mentioned at http://www.satdirectory.com/firedrake.html) or that direction-finding has revealed Hainan island as the probable transmitter location (as mentioned at http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=257:fighting-the-chinese-government-firedragon-music-jammer-and-sound-of-hope-broadcasting-soh-taiwan&catid=66:iarums-success&Itemid=189).  I want to see a satellite photo of the transmitter site.  Does China use this site for any legitimate broadcasts?

Finding this transmitter site with satellite imagery doesn't seem feasible, as the island is over 13,000 square miles, and Google's images are only high-res for the heavily populated areas.  I don't know how precise of a location the direction-finding has revealed; that's something I want to read more about.  Suggestions on how to find this transmitter site would be appreciated.

Other / Russian on 8807 kHz ssb
« on: September 12, 2009, 0831 UTC »
12 Sep 2009, 0823-0827 UTC, 8807 kHz ssb.  Received in northern California, USA; came in strong on my Eton E5 + wire antenna. I heard what sounded like two-way voice communication, although I only heard one person speaking with periods of silence in between.  It was a male speaker, and the language sounded like Russian.  Who would be using that frequency?

Other / 7690 kHz, constant hum, 30 Aug 2009 @ 0715 UTC
« on: August 30, 2009, 0726 UTC »
On 7690 kHz, I came across a strong signal with a constant humming sound.  If I tune up or down 5 kHz, it's not audible anymore, leading me to believe that this some kind of broadcast.  The tone reminds me of the sound of a small prop plane flying overhead, but at a constant pitch.  There's volume fluctuation, but I can't tell whether or not it's due to fading.

EiBi doesn't list anything for this frequency, and it isn't in a broadcast or ham band.  Unfortunately, I'm getting a lot of noise, so I can't make a decent recording.  Any ideas what this could be?

(Eton E5 + indoor wire antenna, northern California)

From northern California, with Eton E5 and Grundig G3 receivers, usually attached to an indoor random wire antenna:


04 Aug 2009, 0830 UTC, 5898 kHz
06 Aug 2009, 0810 UTC, 5898 kHz
08 Aug 2009, 0220 UTC, 5762 kHz
22 Aug 2009, 0741 UTC, 5883 kHz
22 Aug 2009, 0810 UTC, 5898 kHz
23 Aug 2009, 0712 UTC, 5883 kHz
24 Aug 2009, 0302 UTC, 6855 kHz
25 Aug 2009, 0706 UTC, 5883 kHz


05 Aug 2009, 0720 UTC, 9153 kHz
17 Aug 2009, 0612 UTC, 5800 kHz
18 Aug 2009, 0525 UTC, 5898 kHz
24 Aug 2009, 0611 UTC, 5800 kHz
25 Aug 2009, 0533 UTC, 5898 kHz
25 Aug 2009, 0605 UTC, 5800 kHz
27 Aug 2009, 0615 UTC, 5800 kHz

I don't log the contents of the broadcasts.  The times listed are my first reception, not the start of the broadcast.  Also, I don't normally log numbers stations this often.

General Radio Discussion / email address shown
« on: August 29, 2009, 0552 UTC »
In my account settings, I have "Hide email address from public" checked.  But if I view myself in the members list, and hover the envelope icon, my email address is shown.  How can I get my email address removed from the members list?

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HFUnderground T-Shirt
HFUnderground T-Shirt
by MitchellTimeDesigns