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Topics - tvdxrools

Pages: [1]
MW Loggings / KYHN 1650 received in Scotland
« on: November 15, 2014, 1524 UTC »
poor conditions this morning (15 nov 2014) but i managed KYHN Ar 1650 at around 0736 this morning for a personal first and a clip can be heard here
2 ids from 20 secs .... greetings from Scotland .... Jim

General Radio Discussion / below 6900
« on: September 11, 2014, 0614 UTC »
do USA dxers ever listen below 6900 ... radio gsv Scotland was putting a fair carrier into the Michigan sdr from 0430 z this morning and still is at 0600z and the Michigan sdr is using a ham vertical antenna

European Pirates and Private Stations / radio GSV Scotland
« on: August 06, 2014, 2127 UTC »
i will do a test from 0300z tomorrow morning with music and cw and some sstv on 6.266 cheers jim

General Radio Discussion / radio GSV Scotland
« on: July 26, 2014, 2114 UTC »
will be tx from 0330z on 6.965 am mostly music but will id when possible reports welcome

European Pirates and Private Stations / GM41 Scotland
« on: July 24, 2014, 1222 UTC »
From 0430 GMT tomorrow morning on 6980 usb GM41 Scotland will be doing a test in Morse reports welcome.   

Hi all i received kaputnick radio Michigan on 6974 KHz lsb on the 5/7/2014 at 0630 GMT which is well into my daylight and for 100w and a 34 foot end fed wire at 12 feet high it was pretty good getting into Scotland into my daylight. I received it on a Yaesu ft450 and a 1/4 wave vertical with 8 elevated radials for 6.6 MHz i also have a 45 meter long end fed with a loading coil with 2 coax capacitors for the 86/45 meter bands but when listening with that antenna i couldn't receive it. A recording of the reception can be heard here playing LA Woman by The Doors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nank9F7Rx2M

Greetings from Scotland 73 Jim

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