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Topics - Humat

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Special Event Station Radio Space will be on air in the 49 m-band on 6070 kHz on Saturday, September 07, 2019 between 12.00 and 14.00 UTC.
Radio Space was in the early 80s a popular Free Radio Station on FM in the region ‘Westhoek’ in Belgium. The station finished forced the broadcast in November 1984.
This year they are having a reunion from the same location in Hoogstade, in the Western part of Belgium, with a 3 day broadcast on FM 94.9 MHz for the region, but also a 2 hour broadcast for Europe on 6070 kHz.
During these 2 hours you will hear the program “The European Top 40 of the 80s”. Admits, more European is not possible via this short wave frequency!
Reception reports are very welcome and are 100% answered with a special Radio Space E-QSL card!
Radio Space can be contacted on shortwave@radiospace.be.

Latin American Pirate / UNID 6753 to 6770 AM 06.21UTC 20 Abr 2019
« on: April 20, 2019, 1932 UTC »

I heard a UNID station today  April 20, 2019 between 06.21 UTC and 07.00 UTC (signing off!). The unstable transmitter was strange in the broadcast. In the time that I was listening, the channel was moving from 6753 kHz to 6775 kHz !!
This is my report:
FROM: Hugo Matten
TO: UNID Radio
DATE:  April 20, 2019
TIME:  Between 06.21 and 07.00 UTC ( = signing off)
FREQUENCY: 6753kHz  6770 kHz
MY RECEIVER: Perseus receiver
ANTENNA: Dipole 22.8  metres long.
I noted a moderate signal and there was sometimes interference from a utility station! The audio was not good!
 I heard programme with Spanish language talks (male and female) and now and then south American music! The program was difficult to follow because of the frequency change!

If you wish, You can contact me for a short mp3 audio file!

I live in the western part of Belgium, in a little village Veurne, 10 Km from the France frontier and 10 Km from the North Sea coast (= 51°1’ 56”N – 2°40’36”E)
More info about my hobby of radio listening is on my blog: https://hugosdxhoekje.wordpress.com/

Please QSL this report to h.matten@hotmail.be

Thanking you in advance for your reply!

73, de Hugo Matten, Veurne, Belgium (Europe)

51°1’ 56”N – 2°40’36”E

To: The Common and Precious BEACON
       HFU HF Underground
From: Hugo Matten,
           Krommegrachtstraat 2
           B-8630  VEURNE

Hallo Common and Precious BEACON crew,

I have much pleasure in informing you that I heard your beacon transmitter on short wave and I hope you will be intere¬sted in the following recepti¬on report.

•   To:  The Common and Precious BEACON
•   DATE:  September 20, 2017
•   TIME: between 15.41 and 16.00 UTC
•   FREQUENCY: 6398.5 kHz
•   Quality of reception:
               Signal: 8 to 9         
•   MY RECEIVER:  Perseus SDR
•   ANTENNA: Dipole 22.8 metres long

On this link: https://app.box.com/s/sfr4hvzw3ofcxn73ldhhjc8qfkx696xr  you can find a short mp3 audio file from during my observation.
And on this link https://app.box.com/s/a27ddiiibrzmcnfuq114hm50l3rpey6t  you can find a prtscreen from my Perseus receiver during your broadcast.
If you can not open this link please e-mail me. Then I send them via e-mail.

More information about my hobby of radio listening is on: http://dxhoekje.skynetblogs.be/
I'm 64 years old and I live in little village near Veur¬ne ,15 Km from the France frontier and 10 Km from the North Sea coast. I am on pension

If this report is found to be correct, I would appreciate it very much if you will send me your E-mail QSL, letter or QSL- card that it really was your station I heard.

Thanking you in advance for your reply.


Hugo Matten

Other / UNID 6915 AM March 18 - 22.20UTC
« on: March 20, 2017, 1054 UTC »

I heard here an UNID station with a very poor signal strength. This is my report: 
     From: Hugo Matten
     To: UNID
DATE:  March 18, 2017
TIME:  22.20 – 22.39 UTC(=sign off??)
FREQUENCY: 6915 kHz 
Quality of reception in SINPO-code:
Signal strength: 2
Interference: 5
Noise: mostly 1
Propagation disturbance: 3
Overall merit : 1   
ANTENNA: T2FD 17 metres long
I heard Arabic music.
On this link you can hear a short mp3 audio file recording from what I heard at 22.22 and at 22.24 UTC: https://app.box.com/s/otpxnj3i2ynqd4gg9szgmabeofsmrdr5

I live in the western part of Belgium, in a little village, 15 Km from the France frontier and 10 Km from the North Sea coast (=51°1’ 56”N – 2°40’36”E)
ou can find more information about my equipment on: http://dxhoekje.skynetblogs.be/

Please QSL this report!.

Thanking you in advance for your reply!


Hugo Matten
E-mail : h.matten@hotmail.be


Hey all,

I  heard here in Belgium this UNID station with a very poor signal strength. Maybe it’s an European station?
This is my report:

51°1’ 56”N – 2°40’36”E
From: Hugo Matten
DATE:  March 02, 2014
TIME:  00.28 – 00.43 UTC
FREQUENCY: 6915 kHz 
Quality of reception in SINPO-code:
Signal strength: 2
Interference: 5
Noise: mostly 2
Propagation disturbance: 3
Overall merit : mostly 2 
ANTENNA: T2FD 17 metres long

On https://app.box.com/s/qlrjobrpzvetmbd0t40q you can hear a short mp3 audio file recording from what I heard at 00.40 UTC:

I live in Veurne. That’s in the western part of Belgium, It’s  a little village, 15 Km from the France frontier and 10 Km from the North Sea coast (=51°1’ 56”N – 2°40’36”E)
You can find more information about my equipment and my hobby of radio listening on: http://dxhoekje.skynetblogs.be/

Please QSL this report!.

Thanking you in advance for your reply.


Hugo Matten,

E-mail : h.matten(at)hotmail.be


North American Shortwave Pirate / WFMT Family Radio
« on: February 03, 2013, 1751 UTC »
51°1’ 56”N – 2°40’36”E

·   To: WFMT - Family  Radio
·   DATE:  January 02, 2012
·   TIME:  21.34 – 22.07 UTC
·   FREQUENCY: 6925 kHz  AM
·   Quality of reception in SINPO-code:
             Signal strength: 2
             Interference: 5
             Noise: 2 to 3
             Propagation disturbance: 3
             Overall merit : 2 to 3
·   MY RECEIVER:  Perseus SDR
·   ANTENNA: Beverage 300°, 280 meters  long

I heard a programme with non-stop (calmly) music and identifications done by a female at 21.34, 21.38, 21.44,  21.54, 21.55, 22.03 and at 22.06 UTC

You can hear a short mp3 recording from this broadcast on my blog: http://dxhoekje.skynetblogs.be/
 It’s a recording with some fragments and some identifications  I heard between 21.34  and 22.06 UTC.

I live in the western part of Belgium, in a little village, 15 Km from the France frontier and 10 Km from the North Sea coast

If this report is found to be correct, I would appreciate it very much if you will send me your E-mail QSL, letter or QSL- card that it really was your station I heard.

I hope to tune in next time again!

Thanking you in advance for your reply.



E-mail: h.matten@hotmail.be

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns