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Messages - mr. mike

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6914.5 AM 2311 UTC 4 Dec
« on: December 06, 2012, 0605 UTC »
Now they are talking about "coalition forces" and the man tells the woman that he is a woman (?).
It sounds like an experimental play about the second US-Iraq war.

General Radio Discussion / Jimmy the Weasel
« on: December 06, 2012, 0052 UTC »
I was wondering if anybody had any recordings of the late, great Jimmy the Weasel doing his thing. I only ask because I can't find any online recordings, just written mentions.

The same thing goes for "Voice of Green Acres."

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6914.5 AM 2311 UTC 4 Dec
« on: December 05, 2012, 0937 UTC »
In the fourth one he is talking to a woman, and you can barely hear her.

It doesn't sound like Brother Stair to me, the man's voice sounds younger.

I listened to the first and fifth clips; it sounds like somebody is trying to parody numbers stations and radio preachers. If you listen closely, the man is trying to over-enunciate the beginnings of his sentences, almost like he is a non-actor in a bad stage play. Notice the first song is "Christmastime is Here" from the Peanuts Christmas special; maybe it's some sort of weird parody of that?

I stand confused.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6925 AM 0111 UTC 3 Dec
« on: December 04, 2012, 0949 UTC »
Recorder catch:

6925 AM (rx in USB) 222-323

Also caught this, but wasn't sure if two stations or one fading out & coming back in.

Thanks :)

It sounds either like two stations, or one station switching modes, at least for the first fourteen minutes. The weaker signal sounded to me like the soundtrack of a cartoon, maybe The Groovie Ghoulies or some other `60s-`70s cartoon with bubblegum music.  The stronger signal sounded like out-of-tune sideband transmissions.

Twenty minutes in it sounds to me like one very weak station, still playing what sounds like `60s music.

Either this was a low power transmission or you were out of their transmission area. A good catch.

Other / Re: 6925 Wideband FM - Man lecturing in Spanish 10:30 AM UTC
« on: November 30, 2012, 0331 UTC »
Right now it's back to the Spanish guy, tuned it down in AM mode and the people who blamed it on WWCR are dead on.

As for the military(?) guy, you have me.

Other / Re: 6925 Wideband FM - Man lecturing in Spanish 10:30 AM UTC
« on: November 30, 2012, 0056 UTC »
Five minutes ago while monitoring the frequency in WFM, I heard a distorted voice rattling off NATO alphanumerics. As with the other transmission, I could not hear it in SSB.

[Forgot to add: used same radio, Icom 706II.]

Other / 6925 Wideband FM - Man lecturing in Spanish 10:30 AM UTC
« on: November 23, 2012, 0243 UTC »
A real weird one...6925 is nothing but noise, but when I switched over to Wideband FM, I hear a guy lecturing in Spanish. His speech sounds like a religious lecture. At 10:39 there was a bit of piano music. Is this a station or some sort of bleedover from another station? Radio used was an Icom 706II using an indoor wire antenna.

FM Free Radio / Re: FM station heard
« on: November 11, 2012, 2206 UTC »
Was it running music? What kind? Did you catch any station IDs?

FM Free Radio / Re: Pirate Radio Goes Legit (East Bay Express article)
« on: November 11, 2012, 2204 UTC »
FM piracy will last forever in some form within the United States because there will never be enough stations with time for DJs/ranters.

Spy Numbers / Re: Decoding number stations
« on: April 30, 2009, 0037 UTC »
Has anyone here ever decoded number stations and uncovered something
really important that should be kept secret or the like?
I am new to listening to number stations and don't know much on how
to decode them.
Is there software to help decode them?

The trick isn't figuring which number fits which letter, but what the key was during that transmission. Spies have what are called "one-time" pads that are water-soluable and have code key numbers printed on each piece of pad paper. If the spy and station are in sync that key is used once and destroyed. This was one of the many reasons why supercomputers were created (to run through all the possible combinations quickly.) However, even if you were to decode the message, the message is itself in codewords for things!

General Radio Discussion / Re: Low Power Radio blog
« on: March 27, 2009, 0220 UTC »
According to one of the guys at frn.net if you want to make the FM-10 stable you have to replace all of the mica capacitors with plastic ones, mount it in a metal box, and let it warm up for a couple minutes before broadcasting. The nice thing with the FM-10 is that it's simple enough to allow for a number of mods, add-ons and other bells and whistles.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Spectacular Tonga eruption photos
« on: March 27, 2009, 0203 UTC »
With some of these shots I was half-expecting Godzilla to emerge from the sea after the explosion...

Only in America can the technically retarded blow up technical things.

General Radio Discussion / Re: trouble logging in to FRN
« on: March 17, 2009, 0902 UTC »
Why would Fansome shoot himself in the foot like that?

I think it was Lad.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WEAK Radio 6925 USB 2/10/09
« on: February 12, 2009, 0139 UTC »
So do you really think they're running at 1/4 of a watt, or is that just hype?

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