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Messages - LanceLovejoy

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Utility / 5732u, USCG HC arriving Haiti
« on: January 19, 2010, 0441 UTC »
At 04:28z: USCG HC 1708 to CAMSLANT, reporting will be arriving Haiti 12:40 local time.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Monitoring Times Going Downhill???
« on: December 31, 2009, 1602 UTC »
It's of course true that the internet remains the best way to keep up with up to the minute info on HF radio and Pirates etc, as this board exemplifies, however losing Zeller from the MT remains a real loss.  For one thing that column I suspect for many, it certainly was for me,served as a great introduction to the vibrancy of the Pirate scene that as a newbie I had hardly even known had existed.  Also he always collected all the best little tidbits of info, even if slightly outdated by the time they saw print, that one might not always come across via casual internet chat board perusals.  Sure seems like the MT lacks vision but oh well.   I still can't believe they kicked Glen Hauser out as well, seems almost sacreligious, but I guess that's another story. 

General Radio Discussion / Re: Monitoring Times Going Downhill???
« on: December 20, 2009, 0336 UTC »
According to the editorial accompanyment to George's last column in the December 2009 issue, the MT considers the clandestine and pirate scene to have but a "small" following, and so has decided to "turn the page over to other topics in 2010."  Wierd.  Looking at this board for example, the Pirate section gets far more posts than any oither section, hard to understand why they have decided the interest level isn't there.  But take heart, the editorial geniuses over there did decide to devote an extra page to the Longwave column in 2010!  Nothing against Longwave, but how many times are they going to run the same column on aero beacons and DGPS??  ???  Go figure!

General Radio Discussion / Monitoring Times Going Downhill???
« on: December 19, 2009, 2035 UTC »
Got a hold of the new issue of the MT and low and behold (as announced actualy in the last issue) , George Zeller's excellent monthly column on Pirate Broadcasts (The Outer Limits) is no longer a part of the magazine. >:(  Considering that they have also inexplicably gotten rid of Glen Hauser's always excellent Global Forum column, I have to say that  the MT is changing for the worse.  Considering that the Pirates are one of the more interesting, unpredictable and thriving parts of the HF picture it's hard to understand the direction the MT is going and I fear it is becoming less relevent to dedicated HF monitors.  If not fot the Stegman and Van Horn (and much of that info is available elsewehere) columns I'd probably drop the thing all together. 

Sorry to hear your very sad news.  Thanks for all the great shows and I hope 2010 is a better year for you!-Lance

Spy Numbers / Presumed M08 at 5810khz
« on: December 06, 2009, 0612 UTC »
Cut Numbers in the usual 5 digit groups, presumed M8, found in progress at 06:10z.  Strong signal into StL.  Off at 06:10, entire signal  including carrier gone, then back about 1 min later.  Power problems in Havana perhaps?

Off at 06:34z
What's interesting are the repeated strings just before breaks, before the more random strings continue:

"NWGUA NWGUA NWDUA NWGUA ===" in tonights example.

WTCR ID at o4:27

Spy Numbers / Re: unid cw on 4330u
« on: December 05, 2009, 0516 UTC »
Yeah, usingmultipsk which decodes quite well on the ham bands, this is either encrypted or really really really bad keying!

Spy Numbers / unid cw on 4330u
« on: December 05, 2009, 0434 UTC »
Weak cw sig, appears encrypted by my decode, I don't believe cut numbers or discernable groups.  Any ideas about this frequency?  On now at 4:34z

Utility / Mainsail Not Responding on 4724u
« on: December 05, 2009, 0053 UTC »
First "Fruitful" and then "Antidote" were unable to hail Mainsail for radio check on 4724u, at 00:45.  Repeated attempts, loud and clear here in StL, not responded to, and then interrupted by an EAM from Andrews (part of the Mainsail group).  Antidote later making contact with McClellen on 11175u.

Spy Numbers / Re: Probable M8 on 5900
« on: December 04, 2009, 0529 UTC »
Off at 05:28z

Spy Numbers / Probable M8 on 5900
« on: December 04, 2009, 0509 UTC »
Cut Numbers of 5-digit groups on at 05:00z on 5900 khz, I assume m8.

Hearing the same stuff again, Pooh with "a rumbly in my tumbly" at 19:10z now in AM mode, (perhaps I missed this before).  They are having turntable fun with some backwards spinning and off-speed playing.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID Station 6925u with Pooh Music
« on: November 26, 2009, 1742 UTC »
Fairly srtrong signal between fades starting  at 17:33 with assorted Winnie the Pooh Music from the Disney toons.  Takes me back!

North American Shortwave Pirate / WEAK Radio 6950u
« on: November 26, 2009, 0539 UTC »
On at 05:36z with ID and the usual progressive music.  WEAK Rocks with strong sig into StL.

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