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Messages - Shortwave_America

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: The Crystal Ship 5395a
« on: September 27, 2010, 0143 UTC »
I e-mailed John and told him to give it more juice if they have it because the QRN and propagation are killing it! They just got done playing "Stayin' Alive" and are playing another Bee Gees tune now at 01:42UTC I got them at 5385 with the freq going up and down as someone else just mentioned. Currently listening at 5385.7

Shortwave Broadcast / 9830Khz - AM Happening Right Now
« on: September 25, 2010, 2218 UTC »
2213 UTC: 9830Khz, there's a broadcast happening right now as I type and it's just being swamped by a digital transmission. Jamming maybe? I DID hear a quick mention of Ahmadinejad by the broadcaster before the digital signal picked up really good.

I've listened on FSK mode, USB and LSB just to experiment a bit and see just where dead center is for this digital stuff.

USB, FSK,  and AM is where the signal is the strongest. You can tell there's someone talking under teh digital traffic but can't make anything out. It's not got a strong signal from either station, but the digital is loudest!

Not at this time I don't. But you could try in the listen only mode instead of downloading. I know if you have QuickTime you don't even have to download the file, it'll go straight to playing for you. I can try to work with the person who provided it to see if there is a smaller version available. 

Shortwave Broadcast / China Radio International Censor Procedure Exposed
« on: September 24, 2010, 2355 UTC »
The nice people at CRI are a happy, friendly, professional team of broadcasters who love what they do, but hate it when the great wall is forced upon them. Shortwave America has run across THE ONLY publicly released recording of CRI's emergency censor tape. See it here:


Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Running Log From Tonight
« on: September 24, 2010, 2352 UTC »

Thanks for reading the log! I try as hard as I can to get a station ID and other time, just can't get it so I post in in the log here to see if anyone can put a call to the station to identify it. Kinda keeps our radio wits sharp and helps keep us in practice!

Spy Numbers / 5800Khz - AM CW
« on: September 24, 2010, 0606 UTC »
0605UTC on 5800Khz AM - CW. Happening right now.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6923Khz - AM 2345UTC
« on: September 24, 2010, 0559 UTC »
Guess I should have corrected my post, yikes! It was the usual 6925Khz freq I was monitoring but performed a typo tonight! Ah, my rig won't zerobeat anything unless it's CW. Guess I could try to use the RIT (Receive Incremental Tuning) and DSP Slope or try some other methods.

What i do usually, is tune to where I hear the station properly and ignore the signal meter, because with AM we're looking for pinpoint precise audio, where with SSB, we're looking to tune that station in until it sounds like a normal voice. 

North American Shortwave Pirate / 6923Khz - AM 2345UTC
« on: September 23, 2010, 2346 UTC »
Just finished playing "C'mon baby, light my fire" and playing another famous 70's tune now! Good sig here with a little fading, but otherwise nicely heard. 2345UTC

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Khz Spacing! New Observation
« on: September 21, 2010, 0724 UTC »
Thanks, Chris! What happens is I usually will tune to where I hear the station best according to common commercial broadcast audio standards. Sometimes it's not easy to get the center frequency and bandwidth spacing, especially when you're used to just enjoying it all...this is what I get for getting more interested in the technical end of things so late in the game.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: Running Log From Tonight
« on: September 21, 2010, 0720 UTC »
Thanks for the reply, Token. Guess I just got a bit lazy. I didn't intend to cause any confusion to anyone and apologize for any difficulty in understanding my post. I kinda made the assumption that people on the board went to the settings menu and selected their time and date for forum usage, posting, etc.

Date differences are always confusing even for me! I get your nitpick on signal reports. Just a habit for me to note signal strength on my radio's meter since years ago. But, you do have a good point about meter calibration!

Shortwave Broadcast / Khz Spacing! New Observation
« on: September 19, 2010, 0752 UTC »
This thread was originally the "Frequency Changes?" thread. Something I never stopped to notice until tonight was that there are different Khz spacings on each SW band. Back all those years ago, I noticed that it seemed as if everyone was trying to fight for the frequency and broadcasting over each other. You see, it appeared to me as if no one was playing by any sort of organized rules as it were.

I noticed tonight that for the most part, the 6.000.00Khz Band is much like the local AM MW stations, every ten Khz. Then I noticed as you get towards the end of the band, and bandwidth starts to run out, the stations can try to fit themselves in every 5 Khz between each other.

What is the band spacing on the 9.000.00Khz band, or the rest of the SW bands for that matter? Has anyone ever figured this out? Is there a resource somewhere? Is it something close to what the amateur bands have to stick to as far as bandwidth goes?

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Sycko Radio 6925U "Area 51"
« on: September 19, 2010, 0148 UTC »
Hearing it right now at 0144UTC on 6925 USB. Talking about Marijuana "They never say to each other let's smoke a marijuana cigarette" "They say let's turn it on or let's slam a joint!"

Everything is on a repeating loop up until they play "when you're strange" sig here in Chicago is S9 +15 not bad at all!

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