« on: September 19, 2010, 0752 UTC »
This thread was originally the "Frequency Changes?" thread. Something I never stopped to notice until tonight was that there are different Khz spacings on each SW band. Back all those years ago, I noticed that it seemed as if everyone was trying to fight for the frequency and broadcasting over each other. You see, it appeared to me as if no one was playing by any sort of organized rules as it were.
I noticed tonight that for the most part, the 6.000.00Khz Band is much like the local AM MW stations, every ten Khz. Then I noticed as you get towards the end of the band, and bandwidth starts to run out, the stations can try to fit themselves in every 5 Khz between each other.
What is the band spacing on the 9.000.00Khz band, or the rest of the SW bands for that matter? Has anyone ever figured this out? Is there a resource somewhere? Is it something close to what the amateur bands have to stick to as far as bandwidth goes?