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Messages - Shortwave_America

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I finally got a good look at this article and it is troubling that the ruling says even if the vehicle is parked on private property, it's legally fair game!

Secondly, I saw that this tracker is only sold to law enforcement agencies...wait a second! Us hams use this technology and it's called APRS! So, we can legally buy packet devices or APRS/DPRS that perform digital tracking that we can see on the internet using APRS.fi but we can't buy a damn GPS tracker?  ??? ::)

General Radio Discussion / Re: SWL's Needed For Enforcement Help
« on: October 18, 2010, 0316 UTC »
CMRadio and group,

I thought you guys would get a laugh out of this, and that's why it was posted here. Besides the fact that I thought you would at least get a kick outta what you may hear if you come upon one of these sigs. On the other hand, why in the name of Isaac H. Newton would anyone want SWL's and hams to help out with this task? It just screams of being an inappropriate use of resources!

General Radio Discussion / SWL's Needed For Enforcement Help
« on: October 15, 2010, 0222 UTC »
EI4GXB is looking for anyone and everyone with a radio that can tune to 28.265.00FM and 28.032.00Khz
Churches have been heard all over Europe intruding on these frequencies with their wireless systems.

See this link: http://www.arnewsline.org/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=18&Itemid

You'll have to scroll down to see the details under the Enforcement category.   

General Radio Discussion / Re: HAARP info
« on: October 12, 2010, 2135 UTC »
And don't be surprised if you get a visit from DHS  ;D

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 Whales 1819z
« on: October 12, 2010, 0458 UTC »
Just heard a quick burst here in Chicago at 0158UTC

Shortwave Broadcast / 5925Khz? 0421UTC/GMT
« on: October 12, 2010, 0422 UTC »
What am I hearing? Did a freq search, but it doesn't seem to be anything listed at the search site.

The hit counter has surpassed three thousand, everyone! Thanks so much for being great readers! 

Shortwave America felt it in compassion to post something special to recognize the kids who have died from chronic bullying and their families who suffer horribly just as their kids did. Please consider using radi oin some way that can be beneficial to helping to stop this epidemic!

The whole point is that any of us would get nailed big time for violations of the Communications Act regardless of our good intent. That standard needs to be applied to everyone across the board.

see the front page of Shortwave America: http://www.shortwaveamerica.blogspot.com

This fake crime blotter was crated back in November of 2008, and the blog owner has been openly posting the addresses of police responses, the type of crime being responded to, police report numbers, responding unit numbers, etc. How does a person openly publish the contents of police radio communications without being detected?


Sorry about that gentlemen! I posted a warning on the site!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Possible Pirate? 5446.50 USB
« on: October 04, 2010, 0142 UTC »
Listening now at 5.446.50Khz USB 01:35 UTC through 01:41UTC

Identified as Radio Pacific something or other (smashed by QRN). It started with an announcement that someone was not going to seek a second term, followed by music, followed by the intro for Coast To Coast AM "This is your host, George Noory" then followed by an identification which got smashed by QRN, but I can make out a person (male) talking about military news matters. At the end, I could hear through QRN only partially as yet another I.D. was announced as "______ Radio News" now back to George Noory.


Shortwave America recently interviewed Canadian radio broadcaster, Shabnam Assadollahi in an effort to find out about the state of communications freedom in Iran, and what it's gonna take to bring freedom to the people under rule of a cruel political regime. In Part two, Shabnam returns as a Shortwave America Guest with her interview of a Senior Advisor to the E.U. which focuses on how Iran will fare under economic sanctions. This second piece is critical to communications freedom due to how the economic environment impacts the growth of freedom.



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