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Messages - TeaLeaf

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Local H...awesome!!!!! 0149UTC     The guitarist in the band pulls triple duty with bass, guitar and vocals all at once...

Also hearing a tapping sound, about 100khz wide from 6825-6925??

Can anyone identify the noise/transmission??

Great signal into Missouri, sounds like some down-stroking, bar-chording punk rock....I like punk rock....

Weak signal, but I can hear OM talking.....

Signal has increased dramatically over the evening....previously unheard until now at S7 +....  Thanks for the show

Very weak signal into Missouri...only random peaks and swells heard....

Weak signal into MO, but I can definitely copy music...Tough in AM, but SSB is a bit better and more quiet....

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6960 AM 2238 UTC 9 Dec 2015
« on: December 09, 2015, 2240 UTC »
Beach Boys at 2239UTC....HUGE signal here, S9 +10 with little to no fading. Sounds 'local'.....

Other / Re: unid 6968.3 AM, 0345 utc, 9 Dec 13
« on: December 09, 2015, 0406 UTC »
Hearing a strong carrier and low audio, with some audible peaks....0405UTC

Good signal into Missouri. Music heard, followed by OM talking....

Only a faint carrier and audio swells heard into Central MO.

Huge signal into Missouri this evening, great audio....love the AM BC's. Thanks!!!!

Extremely good signal into Missouri tonight, dance/house music playing with good bass to it.  Thanks for the show.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 5 December @ 0140 on 6955AM
« on: December 05, 2015, 0201 UTC »
Awesome signal here, and beautiful audio...Making it a great friday to be listening to SW

I can not bring in carrier, but I do hear peaks of audio and some singing...followed by a faint SSTV at 0112UTC

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