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Messages - TeaLeaf

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6940USB at 0045UTC at an s7-S9. Just tuned in to hear NOFX with "please play this song on the radio", how fitting!  Thanks for the broadcast!!!

Clear S8 signal into Missouri, great audio and low noise level here....pleasure to hear and thanks for the BC

Strong S7-S8 into Missouri. Van Halen playing 2325 UTC, thanks for the Friday night broadcast!!

Got in a little late....S7 during the closing/sign off, thank you comments and national anthem.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6940khz USB at 00:14UTC
« on: April 10, 2017, 0024 UTC »
S5-S7 into MO, 0023 UTC. Great signal with synth jam and music going....
S9 with audio peaks at 0030 UTC..fading tom drum into music

S9 with a few peaks over to +10 on meter. Jammin tonight, thanks for the BC

Strong S9 with music then out at 0150 UTC

Only picking it up at a S4-5 at the closing....

Booming signal into Missouri, S9 10+ and sounding good, thanks for the show RFW

Still listening in MO...light one more up duder

S6 into Missouri. Music heard but audio sounds muffled and distorted on my end...fading in and out doesn't help

Thanks for the BC this rainy evening

S9 + into MidMO...great tunes RFW...thanks for the show

Strong S7 signal into MidMissouri. Mixed music played, electronic rock. Out at 2155 UTC

Great S5-S7 signal into MO. Music heard very clearly, with the Squirrel Nut Zippers occupying the airwaves.....thanks for the BC

A few SSTV images sent, however I was not setup to capture them

Great S7 signal into Missouri. Fading slowly S5 but swelling right back to S7-8. Thanks for the BC GaGa

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