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Author Topic: Radio GaGa SSTV and music 6925 USB  (Read 1053 times)

Offline Zoidberg

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Radio GaGa SSTV and music 6925 USB
« on: May 08, 2009, 0759 UTC »
5/9/09, 6925 USB - Clearest catch of Radio GaGa to date for me.
0150z: SSTV
0151z: Elvis "Return to Sender"
0154z: Elvis hunka-hunka-burning lurrrv
0157z: John Lennon
0159z: Spin Doctors "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong"
0203z: Elvis "In the Ghetto"
0205z: SSTV, stronger this time
0207z: Radio GaGa voice ID

SINPO - 23332, good audio.  No copy of SSTV, had to uninstall MMSSTV due to freeze-ups.  Recorded SSTV, will try to decode another time.

(N. Central TX - Palstar R30C on the indoor fugloop)

15 minute, 3.5MB mp3 for entire show, some mild "chuffing" static crashes but not painful: http://www.mediafire.com/?zlyzj22mjyj
That li'l ol' DXer from Texas
Unpleasant Frequencies Crew
Al: Palstar R30C & various antennae
Snoopy: Sony ICF-2010
Roger: Magnavox D2935
(Off-air recordings.)


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