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Author Topic: StationID 1720 AM 1900 UTC 1 JAN 2023 (Please use that format for subject)  (Read 3238 times)

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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  • British Columbia, Canada
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    • The Shortwave Listener
Please use this format for subject:

1. Station name (or UNID). You may add (tent.) if the name is an assumption.

2. Frequency in kHz (rounded at the next kHz if well within +- 0.2 kHz from the kHz).
Rounded kHz are easier to read. Put the exact frequency with offset in the text if needed.

3. Mode (AM, USB, or LSB...)

4. UTC time in 24h HHMM format (then ' UTC')

5. Date (1 or 2 figures), month in 3 letters, year in 4 figures

That will be compatible with the format in the North American Shortwave Pirate forum (and others).

Thanks for all to use that format, it's not perfect, but easy to read.

Remember: the subject can be edited later (particularly after a merging), so it's better to copy your tune-in time at the beginning of your text. Do so also with the exact frequency if you can get it. In the subject line, a rounded frequency is more legible, and also independent from minor drifting. Any frequency if well within 0.2 kHz offset is better to be rounded in the subject line, then the exact frequency is better at the first line of your report.

To newcomers:
You can modify your own postings. Don't post new replies just to add further details to your reports.
But post a new reply if you suspect a change of station, or after a break of some length.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2023, 1556 UTC by Shortwave_Listener »
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive


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