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Author Topic: Outhouse Radio 6935 USB 2330 UTC 13 JAN 2023  (Read 998 times)

Offline TheHappyWanker

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Outhouse Radio 6935 USB 2330 UTC 13 JAN 2023
« on: January 13, 2023, 2330 UTC »
Digital tones S5
0012 UTC THE WHO after digital tones. w CW? Moving around +- 5 KC
0025 UTC S8+ Wayward Son Noise is bad. With comedy routine Illegal Substances ! LOL Not this crowd!
0028 UTC SStv
0053 UTC The Who with a OP.. S6 beating the noise..
0056 UTC Outhouse radio ID
0058 UTC My heart is beating backwards!
0107 UTC Kicking it S8 Head banger music!
0110 UTC FAX Ok.. I remember Telex Machines.. Still have one stashed
0117 UTC Country Roads S9+
0126 UTC Outhouses Friday the 13 th show I guess.. Per the ops observation!
0130 UTC Done Thx for the Show! Nice
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 0042 UTC by Skipmuck »
IC-7300,2 R-390A, SP600, SX 62A, SX71, NC173, Antennas: 2 EFHW 80-10 120' 1 N/S 1 E/W, EFWH 40-10, 62' E/W, RX LOOP (.5-30) with Rotor.  RSPdx & Duo Rice Box used when traveling with Chinese loop. If so desired a EQSL can go to TheHappyWanker@Gmail. Thx "Just because your not paranoid doesn't mean someone isn't out to get you..." MX ID is my Old Ears and Memory. If I cant copy here it isn't DX! The Web Stuff isn't DX... OK its remote DX via the Electronic Ether...LOL All The gig DARPA brought us...

Online Shortwave_Listener

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Outhouse Radio 6935 USB 0042 UTC 14 JAN 2023
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2023, 0118 UTC »
S7 with the W3PIE KiwiSDR in Pennsylvania. Very weak and below the noise direct. Based on the SSTV images Outhouse Radio came on after UNID Radio around 0042 UTC.

0042 UTC-Hearing a bit CW and digital modes direct, signal too weak to hear the music
0047 UTC-CW loud and clear
0049 UTC-CW again
0049 UTC-SSTV but very weak
0049 UTC-CW
0050 UTC-SSTV, still very weak direct
0053 UTC-Music starting to come through direct, Who Are You by The Who
0055 UTC-CW and lots of SSTV

0107 UTC-Listening on the KiwiSDR again, now Outhouse talking then music (not sure when UNID Radio went off)
0109 UTC-Robot voice radio check a few times, Outhouse talking
0110 UTC-SSTV?
0013 UTC-Ace of Spades by Motörhead
0015 UTC-Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver
0020 UTC-Chicken Train Stomp (Live) by The Ozark Mountain Daredevils
0023 UTC-“Yea, I really gotta ask”
0025 UTC-Talking about Friday the 13th
0025 UTC-Whorehouse Blues by Motörhead
0028 UTC-“Started as UNID Radio then morphed into Outhouse Radio, because it’s Friday the 13th”
0029 UTC-OFF

There was a break between the broadcast TheHappyWanker heard and the one I heard. Threads should not have been merged.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 0044 UTC by Shortwave_Listener »
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive

Offline Grizz489

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Re: Outhouse Radio 6935 USB 0042 UTC 14 JAN 2023
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2023, 0132 UTC »
Music, then ID Outhouse Radio at 0128, then SSTV.  No signal at 0130.  In the noise, but very readable in NW Ohio.       
-Listening in NW Ohio-
Icom R8500 on a 260' longwire // Icom R-71A
RTLSDR dongle and a Ham-It-Up upconverter through a Stridsberg multicoupler
...and a bunch of FM stuff.


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