That was a great post. I have started listening to 10/11 meters again, it's been several years, and I'm now getting back into listening, mainly on these frequencies.
I listen to Europe in the morning then midday onwards I get the american skip. Typically CH38 27.385LSB, CH19 27.185 and the 'Super Bowl' on 27.025 & 'The Railroad' on 27.085 and in between.
Theres a magic few minutes if conditions permit where East meets West at the same time.
So far I have a meagre few logs typically these repeat every 10-15 minutes in the morning.
27.125 Ch 14 FM Russian man. I can pick out a few words 'Telephone', 'computer', 'diagnositc' and numbers 8 & 4. Musical Jingle before the transmission.
27.125 Ch 14 AM Russian women, UK CB users affectionately refer to as 'Olga'. Before the transmission there is longer musical jingle before the transmission.
I call this one the 'gong show'
27.135 Ch 15 FM Russian women, longer musical jingle, words 'Telephone', and numbers 8, 4, 3 also 'please'(proseem) although this could be Czech?
I call this one the 'Cocktail lounge' because of the jingle. There is also a short beep before transmission ends as with most of these types of transmission.
I'm trying to get a decent recording then maybe someone can translate.
Not sure why? but these fascinate me? but they do, so I'm logging them. If anyone has any info on these stations, i'd be very grateful.
Catflap Station. South West UK.