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Author Topic: 28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????  (Read 2911 times)

Offline DeltaCharlie

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28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????
« on: April 29, 2013, 2023 UTC »
1900-2020+Zulu  29 April 13  28.385 AM/FM ?? (tuning in AM but it sounds like FM broadcast) S-2 weak

very slow spanish speaker, at first it sounded like a number stations slowly speaking with a man reading numbers in spanish.....then at 1925z they played music that sounded as if from a cartoon, or an old kids program.....at 1930z there was in ID "RADIO....." missed it with severe band fade.....

since then they have been talking slowly in spanish with their programming, sounds Religious.....some light gospel sounding music......def religious......

it really sounds like FM audio.....more ID's as RADIO... but band keeps dropping out at wrong times :-(

i do not have cable TV, so no leakage at the QTH here.....found no // stations on local AM/FM......thought it might be a harmonic of a dirty lo power license free xmtr that some church may have put up....still thats my best guess.....but i'm hearing nothing on local broadcast freqs......

i think it's a license free lowfer FM radio harmonic.....it def is FM audio....so so weak tho it's hard to pinpoint.....

wonder if anyone else may hear it or have heard it before ????  10m prop today here in coastal NC is stinko....not hearing hardly any South American spanish ops.....in fact on the legit ham transmissions i'm hearing euro's in spain stronger than the south americans they are working !

thanks !


coastal North Carolina

P.O.Box 1262
Swansboro, NC  28584-1262


Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: 28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2013, 2035 UTC »
I have a very weak carrier there at 2033z. I can see some traces of modulation in the waterfall, but no demodulated audio yet here.
Update, I hear a YL singing at 2036z, sure seems like it is AM.

A year ago Token reported (elsewhere) "A couple of weeks ago Radio Verdad (Guatemala) on 4055 kHz was noted on its 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th , 6th, and 7th harmonics (8110, 12165, 16220, 20275, 24330, and 28385 kHz) in North America"

Perhaps that is what we are hearing?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 2041 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Offline DeltaCharlie

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Re: 28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 0349 UTC »
I have a very weak carrier there at 2033z. I can see some traces of modulation in the waterfall, but no demodulated audio yet here.
Update, I hear a YL singing at 2036z, sure seems like it is AM.

A year ago Token reported (elsewhere) "A couple of weeks ago Radio Verdad (Guatemala) on 4055 kHz was noted on its 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th , 6th, and 7th harmonics (8110, 12165, 16220, 20275, 24330, and 28385 kHz) in North America"

Perhaps that is what we are hearing?

yeah, i broke out the calculator later and when i worked it back to 4.055 for the 7th harmonic the light bulb went off over my head too :-)   RADIO VERDAD works out perfectly....not only the freq but the programming, language and total style and sound of their shows....unfortunately it was too late in the early evening to get an ID confirmation, but it fits with the length of ID name I was hearing too....99.9% sure of it....i have listened alot to their 4.055 freq over the winter,some early mornings S-9+50 here.....amazing.

I was listening to it in AM and thought it probably was, but the trashy harmonic sound and extremely flaky band condx made it seems hard to pinpoint as to if it could be FM sometimes....it was very weak too. Seventh Harmonics will do that to ya-- HI HI !!!!

i was conflicted as to where to post this thread originally, SWBC section or 10/11M section....oh well.

Guess we came to same conclusion about the same time. THANKS !! Appreciate the heads up on last years Token post about Radio Verdad !!! That nails it for me......

hopefully it'll still be in there tomorrow, but condx on 10m were very flaky and alot like tropo today...caribe not south america. 
 not sure we can recreate them two days in a row, but WX is suppposed to be similar here. Flux has gone up too....

73 and THANKS again !!!!

coastal North Carolina

P.O.Box 1262
Swansboro, NC  28584-1262



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Re: 28.385 Spanish broadcaster harmonic ?????
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2013, 1805 UTC »
7th harmonic?

They spent all the money on a class-E TX and didn't have enough for the LPF? ??? :o



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