Common and Precious 5 Wiki PageIt's been (quite) a while. The CaP projects seem to lay dormant. Yes and no. It's complicated.
I had issues with vandalism and removed all beacons, which were in the same location. I wanted to redo 'em anyway. Different PSUs and new software that could not only run static CW but dynamic CW (with Telemetry) and also RTTY. I wish I had the time at hand like during childhood. Life of an adult rarely offers free time. Sigh.
The new software was finished in winter 2020. Then Covid-19 struck. Work became more demanding (many people sick) and we had curfews. But Corona changed a lot more. Turns out a lot of locations, that lay domant for years, were suddenly sold. The economy was good. Investors had plans. Then Russia invaded the Ukraine and the economy became tricky, thus investors paused investments and projects.
Often those old buildings get torn down while no construction takes place. I ran into police officers in civil clothes once on a location and had a talk. More and more Vlogs (Video Blogs) come up on social media. More and more often an address and coordinates are plainly given away. Not like before, when such was a no-go. Which leads to an ever increasing traffic on lost objects. And with that comes more and more vandalism. The policemen in context were checking for people that may set a fire (which had happened before to the location in context). Thus, to safe the expenses for securing an object and having seurity check frequently, objects get demolished even when there's no actual plan for re-using the areal.
Locations that are deserted, not known to anyone, and have power are hard to find by now. Using Solar is also tricky due to vanalism. There are lcoation outside the city. But most require at least a 30-45 mins drive by car (one way). That requires additional time and I think, from an ecological point of view, it's also not responsible.
I've to see what I'll make out of all this.
As for
Common and Precious 5, this one, it's planned to get it on air this week again. The Antenna was installed yesterday. I'll just try my luck on this location despite it being frequently visited by people. It's large enough so my stuff may not get noticed between everything else that's on the roof. But security stopped visiting some weeks ago, thus I expect demolition works to start sooner or later.