« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2023, 0242 UTC »
Carrier and light modulation @ 0240
SSTV @ 0244
S5+ SIO=111
Fort Smith AR/RSPdx/W6LVP
« Last Edit: June 17, 2023, 0246 UTC by Grumpy Grandpa »

QSL email addy: dagasque(at)hotmail.com
Thanks in advance!
Icom R71-A
RSP1A, RSPdx, Airspy HF+
Tecsun PL-880, Malachite V3 1.10D
W6LVP 1M active loop, KA7U 1M active loop
Cross Country Wireless active loop kit + various-sized LoGs
MLA30+ active loop
A good supply of corn chips or pork cracklins
Probably a spiked iced tea somewhere close
Shazam is a frequent co-pilot