Hi Mike,
Nice setup of your listening post (LP). I can see that you have pruned the collection of receivers over time. I went through that a little over a year ago when I moved. It was a painful thing to do. I had acquired and restored well over 100+ radios in my collection over a 40 plus year span. Today it is all but a couple of hands full or so.
Here is a link to a picture of 1 rack, of many, which is found in an article I wrote on Software Defined Radio (SDR) back in 2018.
http://www.milspec.ca/sdr/sdr.htmlBy the way, depending on which RSP model you have, you can run multiple receivers (RSPduo) and all RSPs are capable of running multiple VRXs within the same bandwidth (decimation setting). This is how I am able to listen to, for example, 11175.0 kHz on VRX 1 and 11232.0 kHz on VRX 2. You certainly have the screen real-estate for multiple VRXs.