« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2023, 1453 UTC »
Please be advised that Marconi Radio International (MRI) will be on the air this week with test transmissions on 14 and 15 August 2023, as follows: 17.00-18.30 UTC. The frequency is 6180 kHz (USB mode).
It doesn't say where they are but I assume it's Europe? Probably Italy? Good luck indeed at that time and frequency. It may not cover much of Europe. As of 1830 UTC much of it is greyline and the western countries are still in daylight. It's online SDR hunting for us on this side of the Atlantic, if we wish to try.

Denver, CO.
SDRPlay RSPdx & RSP2pro, Airspy Discovery HF+, Icom IC-7100, Grundig Satellit 750, Realistic DX-300, Tecsun PL-600.
MLA-30 active loop, G5RV dipole.
eQSLs appreciated wickerjennie at gmail