I've been monitoring, off and on, what appears to be the Latin American outband calling frequency (same as in the early 2010s when the last cycle peaked), 27455 USB, several times a week.
And the activity is nowhere near what it was in 2011-2014 or so. Some afternoons it's mostly static/hiss with a few Latin American outbanders peaking up and fading back, other afternoons there may be 4-5. A lot of afternoons it's dead.
Either way, so far it's nothing like 11 years ago, when I would regularly hear Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and various countries in South America, and 27455 would sound more like Channel 38 than 160 Meters. :-)
Even Channel 38, the main US sideband channel, is touch and go this year. In 2012 it was slammed.
I'm hoping the promised 'peak' of the present cycle that is set for this Fall and Winter turn out better.