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Author Topic: UNID 1710 AM 1950 UTC 17 OCT 2023  (Read 600 times)

Offline Big Badfish Al

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UNID 1710 AM 1950 UTC 17 OCT 2023
« on: October 17, 2023, 2223 UTC »
Frequency: 1710
Mode: AM
Date: 17 OCT 2023
Time: 1950
SINPO: 43444 heard mixing in with Hudson County TIS station. Heard strongest on K1VL in Vermont
Signal: S9+

1950 - Reggatron and Spanish dance music including Pitbull and DJ BomaNdoki

Thanks for the broadcast. PSE e-QSL to bad_fish@hotmail.com

Did not hear an id but the station has been on the past days. Strong signal

« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 2218 UTC by Big Badfish Al »
Reciever: Degen DE-1103

PSE-QSL to big_badfish_al@proton.me Note new email address.
Listening to pirate radio since 1980 on the EAST COAST USA - located in Central PA USA
73's and FFFR 
Favorite stations of the past were WDX, KPRC, KQRP,  Radio Clandestine, Radio Newyork International, and The Electric Budda.


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