Keeping one of those Midland FRS / GMRS bubble-pack HT's as a continuous scanner, I was hearing a fast ID on CH16, or 462.575MHz GMRS FREQ. This super cold-snap really must have brought foliage absorption to nil, since I hear the WRDM641+/R, Eastside System 641, GMRS repeater. I got more INFO by logging back on to MY-GMRS page at I've sent a repeater-access request, and we'll see if I get one. I've also sent INFO on my GMRS machine to them as well. So, neat catch, from my worst RF direction at +20 miles away. NEAT!!!!
UPDATE 12/5/2023 : I've got permission to access that GMRS repeater, and plan to hit that after work, tonight. I've had to reprogram a commercial Icom IC-F6160 UHF rig, and tested the match on a Laird 1/2-wave UHF MAG Mount. Should be neat!
UPDATE 12/8/2023 : Did it!!! I actually tripped the GMRS repeater from the work QTH, then drove closer to it, where I caught-up with the owner, Charles, still at his work place, but with an HT. I pulled-in a parking lot to be between him, and his operating-at-his-home GMRS repeater, just 20ft AGL. So, did Simplex and through his repeater. Unfortunately, the weather really sucked, and a hard rain came down. Charles, had to catch a bus, and I wanted to get back home at stupid o'clock. Still, neat to QSO on a GMRS repeater for the 1st time since 2010.