Yep, great for that as well, where multiple inputs, to a single outlet, is needed audio-wise. And yes, these mixers were, and still are, used by pirate ops. Dirty little secrete is that they were also used at college, and even commercial, radio stations. Hey, frequency-wise you've got broadcast spec's. Yes, engineers will gripe the the S/N Ratio might not quite be broadcast specs, but over-the-air, would the listener ever guess that? I doubt it... The bonus of these mixers is the fact that they are old-school, through-hole tech, meaning repairable by most folks and even some 21st Century upgrades could be added, like white LED's to the VU meters. And, schematics are still available for those. (Hmmmm... I wonder if I should scan and upload those to my Archive .ORG page?) And, you will still see these at flea-markets, Hamfests, junk stores, garage sales, whatever. If you see either model, 32-1100, or 32-1200, grab it.