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Author Topic: Hmmm. Interesting yocul on 26315 (+/-) before 2200 UTC 4/5/2014  (Read 5421 times)

Offline tybrad

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This is what makes this hobby SO damn interesting to me!

Just came in on the tail end of someone not really in discussion with anyone- just monologuing.  Weird reverb effect, and on/off like a CB'er or ham guy.  He was saying things like

"You Motherf..kers can't touch me."
"No one's got the power out there"
"Whatchall say about me now?"

and some challenges and inciteful statements.

I don't really know what or who I came across but was entertained for three mins. before he shut it off.  I would have l-o-v-e-d to hear his full story!

Oops- he just popped on (22:08)- same freq
"Them's cryin' the fuckin' blues"

Really faded now- is he directional and changing it?

"(garbled) make no mistake about it"
"… white trash…"

22:15-  lots of noise and cannot make out words, but still sounds inflammatory.  Continues with reverb sound.

22:28- still hear him but the signal has faded into the aether- lots of noise blanketing the frequency.  Strange that his signal was so strong just 30 mins ago.  I NEED A QUIETER ANTENNA!

22:36- clear enough again
"If you want to call me a white boy, call me a white boy.  Ha ha ha ha.  I don't care"

… more invectives.

"Call me whatever the f*&k you want to.  See my driver's license.  Hahahahahahaha!"
"Oh boy, here we go.  (garbled)"
"Call me whatever the f-$-#-k you want to.  Look at my DL- I'm american indian!  Whatever you want to say, I don't care one way or another.  Hahahahaha!"
"… come from a land bridge to Alaska"  I don't care what you say motherf&*#er.  Now you do what you gotta do"

"Say what the f--- you want to."  Repeat twice.
"My people have been here 26,000 years.  Think about that.  26,000 years.  Have a nice day"
Repeats it.
"Seeds in the ground.  Burial grounds.  We improved it.  WE IMPROVED IT."
"My people came before the ice age.  26,000 years ago.  So shut the f--- up!"
"You haven't heard a god--mn word all day"  Repeats it.
"Come on now.. go on some more.  Come on… go on some more.  Show what you're about.  Get under your skin"

Pontificating about the land bridge again--  26,000 years ago.  Talks about "East side" and "West side".

"Now YOU do the math!"
"All you gotta do is watch the History Channel.  Stop getting mad.  Hahahaha.  Stop getting so fuc--ng mad.  It's your fault."

More ice age/26,000 years ago/land bridge

"You're an idiot.  You just don't wanna listen to history."
"You are so fuc--ng stupid it's pathetic.  Have a good day."

If you're so stupid that you call me a fuc--ng white boy, you're so fuc--ng stupid.  I AM AMERICAN FUC--IN INDIAN.. Apache… with a little Cherokee.  You're a fuc--ng idiot.  Have a good day."

… keeps on inciting and talking about putting a .44 into anyone who comes at him, but I'm finished transcribing what I can.  Is he angry?  Drunk?  Both?

Have I encountered my first pirate?  I don't know.

He just mentioned Cross Street and North Ave. as "the line".  Hey- that's local to me- in Baltimore (near Federal Hill area).  WOW!

Plays noises, talks, more noises, more noises, "You're a toy, boy.  I'll put you away".  Playing head games now. 

How long before he is triangulated do you think?

« Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 2307 UTC by tybrad »
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Offline tybrad

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The more that I think about this, the more that I believe that I heard city rival gang leaders speaking over a ham.  He did refer to not being able to hear the other person clearly.  Wow.  But maybe not- I just don't know.
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Offline kmorgan

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"city rival gang members"??? Oh brother...  (snickering)

Sounds like old Motor Mouth Maul or someone like him. The day "gang rivals" start on ham radio is the day you see my dead grandma ordering a big mac from McDonalds drive thru (it ain't gonna happen)

I am more surprised at the OP for being surprised at what he heard. this is nothin' new!

Offline tybrad

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Thank you very much for your snarky response.

I am new to this and did not claim it to be anything other than new to me.  But I do hope to reach your exceptional level of experience sometime.
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Offline Fried Chickin'

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In all actuality, the drug cartels of Mexico have been known to use ham radio equipment to make deliveries and such shennanigans.  It wouldn't be such a far-fetched idea to think that some of that could be spreading north of the border.  I would not be surprised...   8)

Tecsun PL880 and a wire!

Offline tybrad

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Yeah, I had read that somewhere as well.
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Offline OldSeaRock

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Yep, that's in the 11 meter portion and there's no telling what you'll find in there when the band is open.

Last time I listened and heard anything there, it was a "jamming party" and the one with the most power/antenna won.  Constant interference but after listening for a while, I realized that two of the stations were talking to each other and badmouthing the rest - while the rest tried their best to jam the signals of the two stations who were talking.

A urinating match, so to speak.... with tons of foul language.  Kind of like a combination of the Jerry Springer Show, Wolfman Jack (RIP), 2kw and D104's with reverb and roger beeps.

eQsl appreciated:  theoldsearock@yahoo.com
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Offline glimmer twin

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I always check around 11 meters when I am walking the dog in the afternoons & when the band is open I hear this kind of stuff above , below & in the CB band. Jerry Springer show is an apt description. the RF equivalent of throwing chairs at each other (or was that Phil Donahue's show...Geraldo Rivera,maybe).
KCMO  Icom R 75 , SDR-IQ, Grundig Satellit 750 ,Tecsun PL 880, Tecsun PL660 , Tecsun PL380 & PL360  10 meter random wire  w/ RF systems MLB    Alpha Delta SWL DX sloper  
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Offline Reverend Bow Voodoo

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27025 is a power hungry key-up contest... but you can't play on that channel without running at least 2500W of Carrier...

26315 is pretty low on the band, and well south of Channel 1 of the FCC 40... I would be interested as to its origins as well... 
Reverend Bow Voodoo
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Offline BoomboxDX

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The more that I think about this, the more that I believe that I heard city rival gang leaders speaking over a ham.  He did refer to not being able to hear the other person clearly.  Wow.  But maybe not- I just don't know.

The problem with the 'ham' thing is 26315 isn't in a ham band. What you heard was obviously 11 meter / CB outbanders.  The outbanders use frequencies just above the CB band, and just below the CB band also. I mostly hear them on sideband up above Channel 40. I don't tune below Channel 1 very much but I have heard outbanders down there in the past.

I hear that kind of yelling and cussing stuff all over the sideband portion of 11 meters, usually on channel 38, but sometimes the higher channels as well. Someone will call someone else names, sometimes they'll threaten the other person as well.

From reading your transcript, it sounds like some guy with a linear was in a shouting match with another guy you probably couldn't hear because of skip conditions.

Interesting conversation, though. You never know what you'll hear on 11 meters, or that one fascinating channel on 20 meters that always is a yelling match -- 14313?
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