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Author Topic: Unknown 6835 KHz USB 5/10/2014 0024+ UTC  (Read 1285 times)

Offline Barycenter

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Unknown 6835 KHz USB 5/10/2014 0024+ UTC
« on: May 10, 2014, 0032 UTC »
I'm new so maybe this is old news - but, unusual chatter between coastal - ship communications on 6835 kHz. Not sure the context but was in English and had references various ship-shore items. Only caught the last 4 minutes. Signal was a S7 here in MN.

Any ideas what or who this is?
Central MN
Airspy HF+ MLA-30+
Yaesu FT-891 - Par EF-SWL

QSLs would be nice! Send to: pluraldon [at] yahoo.com


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