Tuned in at 2116 UTC to a techno-dance tune on 13690 KHZ. Signal is fair with deep fades.
2121 UTC Man announcer with talk for about a minute...will have to listen back on the recording later.
2122 UTC Techno music again, with Man announcer talking, then music again. Hello Sluwe Vos!
2130 UTC Signal fading in just above the noise with an UNID Non-dance tune that I can't identify.
2133 UTC Man announcer, then another techno dance song
2137 UTC Man announcer talking during song...I heard something about the "United States"!, then back into techno music
2144 UTC Man announcer said something about Italia?, short bit of music, then OFF at 2145 UTC
(Thanks for the show Sluwe Vos! I'll have to listen back on the tape recording to see if I can get some details for a report...tough copy here with the fading, but at times the signal was up above the noise!)