Fellow Perseus Owners,
If you don't already subscribe, there is a quite good mailing list for Perseus on Yahoo Groups. It is perseus_SDR@yahoogroups.com
I recently posted a frustration I have had with 40 GUI & it's inability to display "full screen" on a Lenovo i7 12.1" laptop. Some folks had led me to "SDR Console" which does full screen but I have yet to get far with it. For some reason, I can't get audio from Perseus, Elads or AFEDRI, even though the radios come up live... Anyway, I guess Nico read my comment, the references to 3rd party software & I got an ecouraging response that will be of interest to other fellow Perseus users!
NOTE: I was so frustrated, I almost sold my Perseus but have rescinded such impulses

Hello Rafman,
"IMHO, the Perseus GUI is limited by the basic lack of "full screen" display, almost as if support has been abandoned?" ~Rafman
It hasn't. I had simply to collect my ideas and find a way to design what I had in my mind in the way I would have been proud of.
I understand your frustration and I apologize for not having satisfied requests like yours as quickly as I could.
Anyway, for your pleasure here are some pictures of what I've been recently working to.
I've still to implement some features I'd like to add to the new Perseus software version. It will take a little bit of time to complete and make it available to the public but I think I'm on the good way:
http://microtelecom.it/perseus/perseusv50-20140911-fullscreen.pnghttp://microtelecom.it/perseus/perseusv50-20140911.pnghttp://microtelecom.it/perseus/perseuv5-dynamic-spectrum-average.pngI can anticipate that the new software version will be included in all the receivers we will sale as soon as it will be available, probably starting from the end of September or so, but it will be available
for a small fee also to all those that would like to keep their Perseus software up to date.
Nico - IV3NWV
Microtelecom s.r.l. - Italy