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Author Topic: strange UNID AM TX at 19 August  (Read 2196 times)

Offline bumbelstock

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strange UNID AM TX at 19 August
« on: September 24, 2014, 0817 UTC »
Hello All!
Arround this time on friday i do end of work on my house,smoke something and drink a beer ;D
Lucky,i got my portabel RX with me ;)
I pick up a AM Broadcaster on 6383 kHz, arround 2221 local time,2021 utc on 19.09.14.
Switch to transmittion,first i hear a rest from ''propaganda style'' song. Next was a male DJ,speak something about ''harmonic orchestra'' and ''celebrations''.
He repeat the spoken text in chinese language.
Copy than something about ''a 19 years old soldier,surviving in irak war'' this info will be from the ''whashington post'' ->he repeat this again in chinese language..

Next word's i copy he said ''the director of next winner of the academy...'' and anything about 13 years..
I do a littel Video of this transmittion about 4min.
Signal was about Sinpo 23322, receiver was my Degen 1103 with teleskop and i listen just outside my House.

..no ID ???

Anybody have a idea and can help me please??

Greeting's,Carsten ;)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2014, 0819 UTC by bumbelstock »
Greetings from the Yellow Bumbelstock

RX from central Germany

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: strange UNID AM TX at 19 August
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2014, 1434 UTC »
A number of Chinese domestic stations used to broadcast in that part of the spectrum in multiple languages.
That would be my guess.

However, it could have been some pirate on that side of the Atlantic having fun, too. ;)

Beer and smoking "something", can cause a guy to hear all sorts of odd stuff.

Offline ulx2

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Re: strange UNID AM TX at 19 August
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2014, 0005 UTC »
Hello Carsten!

My version: that was an image channel of strong signal from China Radio International via TX in Cerrik (Albania):

6385 + (450 x 2) = 7285 kHz (where 450 kHz is the second intermediate frequency of your Degen).

May be Chinese lesson on CRI English service.


LOC: Kyiv, Ukraine
RX1: Degen DE-1103 portable
RX2: Xhdata D-808 portable
RX3: Airspy Mini SDR + Spyverter
ANT1: 80 mb dipole
ANT2: Long wire (10 meters)
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ACC: Homemade passive preselector & phasing device


Offline bumbelstock

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Re: strange UNID AM TX at 19 August
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 0847 UTC »
Thank's for replay!

Hi Alexandr! Tnx for your technical explanation,i will monitor this frequency again and will use a second receiver too.
At 19 August, Friday night,i don't tune up to 7285kHz because there where minimum two hand full of pirates arround 48 and 45 meter's ;)
..but next time i will do that!

Hope to catch the same again to get full inspiration ;D!

..also hi Mr. Pigmeat!
Maybe a Chinese domestic station or maybe a Pirate on this Frequency or maybe just to much smoke ;D..
..i will repeat it this Friday,because there will be some time after i work on my house again and than, i will smoke a littel less :P

Good DX to you Pigmeat and Alexandr!

Greetings from the Yellow Bumbelstock

RX from central Germany

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: strange UNID AM TX at 19 August
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2014, 1206 UTC »
I think Alexandr has figured it out.

I occasionally hear RCI on 7285, but that's a popular frequency on the 40 meter ham band in NA for guys running power in AM mode. With SSB guys jamming the AM'ers in that range, it usually sounds like a cat fight in that part of 40 meters.

When I want to listen to CRI, I go to the 49 meter broadcast band.


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