Tried to make the best of having two days off due to the storm and was able to log a few stations.
USA (pirate): Boombox Radio 6.875.70 AM UTC 1330-1419 JAN 27 Several "Boombox Radio" IDs and songs by The Dandy Warhols, Madeon Feat, Coyote Kisses, Sir Mix-A-Lot, The Kooks, Bastille vs. Grades, The Chemical Brothers, Tegan and Sara, and Odesza fest. Numerous e-mail address announcements before 1419 signoff. Very good signal.
Oman: Radio Sultanate of Oman 15.140 UTC 1434 JAN 27 English program with male announcer summarizing news headlines including news about Russia, Ukraine, and Kenya. ID'ed as "You are listening to Radio Sultanate of Oman, and Can't Stop Dancin by Becky G. Very good signal.
UAE: (Dhabbaya): FEBA 11.900 UTC 1415-1429 signoff JAN 28 Urdu with much SC music and YL with mentions of " com..." before signoff. Good signal but somewhat noisy.
Germany: (Lampertheim per Aoki): VOA 11.995 UTC 1434-1501 JAN 28 Kurdish program with numerous mentions of "program," "Iraq," "Voice of America," and "Iran." Most of the program consisted of a (presumed) studio announcer talking with a corrospondent. VOA jingle and ID at 1359 followed by carrier. Interestingly, just before the carrier was pulled at 1501, a male announcer ID'ed as Radio Free Europe" before going off.
Sri Lanka: AWR 15.360 UTC 1628-1700 JAN 28 Signoff to SC language with Lahore, Pakistan address announced. English program at 1630 followed, with frequent AWR IDs, and a lecture by Dr. Frederick Hall about "Who was Jesus Christ?"Numerous biblical quotes, instrumental music before signoff, and carrier off at 1700.
Ross Comeau
Andover, MA
Drake R-8 and 60-ft longwire