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Author Topic: M42c  (Read 832 times)

Offline Ary-B

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« on: March 25, 2016, 1533 UTC »
M42c, 10861/8187/6939 kHz, 24-03, 1015/1025/1035 UTC, FSK 200/500
=8641  665984874807642116
=8192  72338195386203766
=8583  716345298490943151
=8224  836892165505134153
=8485  28226843215362458
=8406  976159669871336103
=7797  83742823138514092
=8238  10483250022044841
=8539  55985705477941557
=87210 87483885783338177
=85511 569031132788932162
=85312 364535678723518179
=79313 644334009672809125
=81814 28097869133666679
=78715 07630178329255796
=85716 43763077339250073
=80717 9204148741546795  
=87418 58907893839665873
=80619 736461732832909127
=87320 388874518864065134
=84521 467908453831160140
=87922 64811165832192652
=87423 50733784892721669
=84324 022216745336279177
=84725 768430250873266146
=85226 054991503224077100
=79327 000000000091205154
=80128 706186543249842109
=86129 566220435587976100
=84330 34907588077526072
=87531 20820827937702648
=84932 625494946243139156
=84933 45192393733260063
=85934 491520295647030109
=80635 66943104300353993
=82836 528747048198050190
=89737 82988153450140394
=78838 07909205520456689
=83039 548381319444839214
=89340 519510462841968118
=85641 654872724982295127
=79842 407943499866463119
=84743 10416103127042528
=86144 99093325662375093
=87545 89637481340704159
=80046 642644179201253111
=81647 56535420763675683
=87448 766099095977323106
=88849 031323173345597174
=83950 595802958088909211
=77351 017751996769136113
=76952 75506822427679743
=81553 11207026793844760
=80454 407045091330886134
=84555 718919016510508151
=85756 956735675453385117
=85557 925109213455980108
=83358 574576927741508155
=80259 480023075138689103
=85060 883370630169459144
=82261 006280164298985136
=81162 04241339517851692
=83563 00581279017863881
=87764 73625332027004580
=81565 52805029997932357
=81566 29637592579559280
=85867 33307014136129761
)76668 2512100000+++++236

66598 48748 07642 72338 19538 62037 71634 52984 90943 83689
21655 05134 28226 84321 53624 97615 96698 71336 83742 82313
85140 10483 25002 20448 55985 70547 79415 87483 88578 33381
56903 11327 88932 36453 56787 23518 64433 40096 72809 28097
86913 36666 07630 17832 92557 43763 07733 92500 92041 48741
54679 58907 89383 96658 73646 17328 32909 38887 45188 64065
46790 84538 31160 64811 16583 21926 50733 78489 27216 02221
67453 36279 76843 02508 73266 05499 15032 24077 00000

70618 65432 49842 56622 04355 87976 34907 58807 75260 20820
82793 77026 62549 49462 43139 45192 39373 32600 49152 02956
47030 66943 10430 03539 52874 70481 98050 82988 15345 01403
07909 20552 04566 54838 13194 44839 51951 04628 41968 65487
27249 82295 40794 34998 66463 10416 10312 70425 99093 32566
23750 89637 48134 07041 64264 41792 01253 56535 42076 36756
76609 90959 77323 03132 31733 45597 59580 29580 88909 01775
19967 69136 75506 82242 76797 11207 02679 38447 40704 50913
30886 71891 90165 10508 95673 56754 53385 92510 92134 55980
57457 69277 41508 48002 30751 38689 88337 06301 69459 00628
01642 98985 04241 33951 78516 00581 27901 78638 73625 33202
70045 52805 02999 79323 29637 59257 95592 33307 01413 61297
25121 00000



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