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Author Topic: UNID 6965 AM 2325 UTC 6/11/16 (via Twente SDR)  (Read 1351 times)


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UNID 6965 AM 2325 UTC 6/11/16 (via Twente SDR)
« on: June 11, 2016, 2326 UTC »
2325- audio from an adult film   :o  S5-6 and noisy
2331- OM in possibly German talking into music

 Thanks for the, ummmmm....., entertainment!  :D
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 2332 UTC by JoeFLIPS »

Offline RainBrandy

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Re: UNID 6965 AM 2325 UTC 6/11/16 (via Twente SDR)
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2016, 0636 UTC »
the station was on 6965,2 kHz here also, and the next day I heard a clear
station ID and music by QBC International from Hungary.
QTH: NW Germany
RX: modified Sony ICF 2001D, Perseus SDR; KiwiSDR
ANT: dipole for 45mB
eQSLs highly appreciated! RainBrandy@gmx.net


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